Ecological Subregions of the United States


The development and completion of this national document in a relatively short time period is a direct result of the coordination, persistent efforts, and diligent teamwork of many persons. Principal compilers were responsible for map unit delineations, developed the overall framework of the Section map unit descriptions, compiled map unit descriptions, and guided overall coordination and completion of tasks associated with this text in their Regions. Assistant compilers aided some principal compilers by locating and organizing resource information pertaining to broad geographical areas, synthesizing general information into succinct summaries, and reviewing map unit descriptions for accuracy. Other assistant compilers made contributions such as developing specific elements of the map unit descriptions or providing technical knowledge and support. Associate compilers participated by serving as subject-matter experts, summarizing information for specific geographical areas, reviewing descriptions for accuracy, and performing other tasks that contributed to the production of this text. Other individuals undoubtedly contributed to this document, but, unfortunately, will remain unknown. This text was produced through the collective, dilligent efforts of the following individuals.

Principal Compilers:

Alaska Region \lf Terry Brock
Eastern Region \lf Walter E. Russell
Intermountain Region \lf Thomas M. Collins
Northern Region \lf John Nesser
Pacific Northwest Region \lf Robert T. Meurisse
Pacific Southwest Region \lf Charles B. Goudey
Rocky Mountain Region \lf Jerry Freeouf
Southern Region \lf James E. Keys, Jr.
Southwestern Region \lf Wayne Robbie
Southeastern Forest Experiment
Station \lf W. Henry McNab
Washington Office \lf Peter E. Avers

Assistant Compilers:

Alaska Region \lf Greg Nowacki
Eastern Region \lf Andy Rorick
Intermountain Region \lf John Lott
Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry \lf Constance Carpenter
Northeastern Forest Experiment Station \lf Marie-Louise Smith
Northern Region \lf Jim Shelden
Pacific Northwest Region \lf J. Bailey
Pacific Northwest Region \lf J. Keyser
Pacific Northwest Region \lf D. Lammers
Pacific Northwest Region \lf R. Pedersen
Southern Region \lf Marilyn J. Robertson
Southwestern Region \lf Mike Linden
Southwestern Region \lf R. Steinke
Washington Office \lf Robert G. Bailey
Washington Office \lf James Fenwood
Washington Office \lf Thomas King
Washington Office \lf Greg Super

Associate Compilers:

Other Contributors:

Bryan Hargrave -- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Max Hutchinson -- Illinois Chapter, The Nature Conservancy. Timothy A. Nigh -- Missouri Department of Conservation. Glendon W. Smalley -- retired, USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station.

Photograph Credits:

Many photographers also made important contributions to this document by providing pictures that illustrate the physical, biological, and cultural characteristics of the subregion ecological map units. Unless otherwise noted, photographers are employees of the USDA Forest Service. When the photograph was obtained from Forest Service files and the photographer is unknown, the person providing the photograph is noted. Credits for photographs are arranged by Region and Section.

Alaska Region. 125B -- USDI Fish and Wildlife Service; M121B -- USDI National Park Service; M125A -- USDI National Park Service; M126A -- USDA Soil Conservation Service; M127A -- USDI National Park Service; M131A -- USDI Bureau of Land Management; M131B -- USDI Geological Survey; M135A, M139A, M244A -- USDI National Park Service; M245B -- USDA Forest Service.

Eastern Region. 212A -- Don Collins, USDA Soil Conservation Service; 212B -- L. Safford; 212C -- M. Torsello; 212D -- Richard Hallett, University of New Hampshire; 212F -- C. Carpenter; 212K -- Bryan Hargrave, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; 212L -- from B. Leuelling; M212A -- from M. Smith; M212B -- from M. Smith; M212C -- M. Smith; M212E -- P. Rudge; 221E -- James Omernik USEPA; 222A -- Donald R. Kurz, Missouri Conservation Department; 222D -- Ned Trovillion, independent photographer; 222I (upper) -- James Omernik USEPA; 222I (lower) -- M. Keister; 222L -- James Omernik USEPA; M221A, M221B -- from T. DeMeo; 251C -- Donald R. Kurz, Missouri Conservation Department; 251D -- Joel Dexter, Illinois State Geological Survey; 251E -- Donald R. Kurz, Missouri Conservation Department.

Intermountain Region. M331D -- from USDA Forest Service; M331D -- J. Lott; M332F, 341B -- J. Lott; M341C (first) -- J. Lott; M341C (second) -- P. Johnson.

Northern Region. M332B -- K. McBride; M332E -- A. Greene; M333B -- J. Nesser.

Pacific Northwest Region. 242A, M242A (both), M242B (both), M242C (both), M332G, M333A, 342H -- R. Meurisse.

Pacific Southwest Region. M261A, M261B, M261D, M261G -- S. Miles; M262A, M262B, M423A -- D. Diaz. Rocky Mountain Region. 251G -- J. Freeouf; 331B -- K. Grove; 331I -- from J. Freeouf; 331J -- from J. Freeouf; 332C -- K. Grove; 332D -- D. Steinke; M331A -- K. Houston; M331B (upper) -- J. Nesser; M331B (lower) -- F. Lloyd; M331G -- J. Freeouf; M331H -- from J. Freeouf; M331I -- from J. Freeouf; M331J -- M. Holm; M334A -- K. Grove; 342F -- J. Freeouf; 342G -- from J. Freeouf.

Southern Region. 221H -- H. McNab; 221J -- Glendon W. Smalley, retired, Southern Forest Experiment Station; M221D -- Christine Coulter McNab, volunteer, USDA Forest Service; M222A -- from C. Minehart; 231A -- H. McNab; 231D -- J. King; 231E -- D. Bradbury; 231G -- from C. Minehart; 232B (upper and lower) -- H. McNab; 232C -- B. Kaylor; 232D -- from P. Beyer; 232F, 234A -- J. Caldwell; M231A -- from W. Pell; 255A, 315B, 315C -- H. McNab; 411A -- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNab, Jr., independent photographers; M411A (both) -- from USDA Forest Service.

Southwestern Region. 313A, 313B, 313C, 313D, M313A, 321A, 322B, M331F -- W. Robbie.


The Southeastern Forest Experiment Station provided funding for editing the Section map unit descriptions compiled by each Region and preparing the document for printing using the \TeX typesetting program. Several persons volunteered all or a significant portion of their services: William A. Hamilton, retired, USDA Forest Service, WO-PAO, designed the document format and typography; John H. Currie, retired, advertising art director, assisted with page design and photograph layout; and Christine Coulter McNab, volunteer, USDA Forest Service, assisted with proofreading and produced Appendixes A and D.
