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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


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For correction of information disseminated by the Forest Service and requests for reconsideration of Forest Service decisions.


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Requests for Correction Received by the Forest Service

W.K. Olsen and Associates, 5 Goshawk Petitions (17-January-2003)
      1. Goshawk Petition (RFC #3001) (.pdf, 6MB)
                •Acknowledgement Letter 21-March-2003 (.pdf)
                •Response Letter 25-July-2003 (.pdf)

      2. Black Hills National Forest Phase I Goshawk Analysis (RFC #3002) 
          (.pdf )
                •Acknowledgement Letter 21-March-2003 (.pdf)
                •Response Letter 25-July-2003 (.pdf)
      3. Expert Interview Summary for the Black Hills National Forest
         (RFC #3003) (.pdf)
                •Acknowledgement Letter 21-March-2003 (.pdf)
                •Response Letter 25-July-2003 (.pdf)
      4. Record of Decision for Amendment of Forest Plans (RFC #3004)
                •Acknowledgement Letter 21-March-2003 (.pdf)
                •Response Letter 25-July-2003 (.pdf)
      5. Conservation Assessment for the Northern Goshawk in Southeast
          Alaska (RFC #3005) (.pdf)
                •Acknowledgement Letter 21-March-2003
                •Response Letter 25-July-2003 (.pdf)

Small Timber Harvesting Petition (RFC #3006) 10-March-2003
      6. John Muir, Project/Earth Island Institute, Small Timber Harvesting
          Petition 10-March-2003 (.pdf)
                •Acknowledgement Letter  22-May-2003 (.pdf)
                •Response Letter 29-July-2003 (.pdf)

Proposed Rule for National Forest System Land and Resource Planning
(RFC #3007) 7-April-2003
      7. Sierra Club, Proposed Rule for National Forest System Land and
         Resources Management Planning Petition (.pdf ) (appendix material
          not available at this time) 
                •Acknowledgement and Response Letter 9-June-2003 (.pdf)

Willow Fly Catcher Petition, Region 3 (RFC #3008) 21-March-2003
      8. Willow Fly Catcher Petition; Dennis Parker (.pdf)
                •Acknowledgement Letter 22-May-2003 (.pdf)

                •Response Letter 30-June-2003 (.pdf)
                •Response Letter 2 22-August-2003 (.pdf)

Please see 9, 10, 11, and 12 under Reconsideration below

Final Environmental ImpactStatements for Forest-wide Weed Control Plans (RFC #3009) 14-September-2004
12. FEIS Weed Control Plans Petition; (.pdf)

  Response Letter May 21, 2007 (.pdf)    

13. Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Smoky Canyon Mine Panel F & G Expansion
EarthJustice Letter April 7, 2008 (.pdf)

Acknowledgment April 25, 2008(.pdf)
Response June 03, 2008

14. Changes to FS Maps Requested

Thomas Kestas Letter May 16, 2008 (.pdf)
Acknowledgment-Kestas June 12, 2008(.pdf) 
Response July 15, 2008

15. United States Forest Service Big Horn Report
Colorado Wool Growers Association Data Challenge Letter January 23, 2009 (.pdf)
A Review of Disease Related Conflicts Between Domestic Sheep and Goats and Bighorn Sheep GTR 2008(.pdf)
Acknowledgement Letter February 17, 2009(.pdf)


Requests for Reconsideration of Forest Service Decisions

Timber Harvest Effects Monitoring (RFR #3009) Received 10-September-2003
      9. Reconsideration Request Letter (.pdf)
                •Exhibits (.pdf):  (Ex. A)    (Ex. B)    (Ex. C)    (Ex. D)
                •Response Letter 11-February-2004 (.pdf)

W.K. Olsen and Associates, 5 Goshawk Petitions RFR #03-0010) 4-September-2003
      10. Reconsideration Request Letter (.pdf)
                  •Response Letter 8-January-2004 (.pdf)


Willow Fly Catcher Petition, Region 3 (RFR #03-0011) 6-October-2003
      11. Reconsideration Request Letter (.pdf)
              •Attachments (.pdf):   (Att A)  (Att B)   (Att C1)  ( Att C2)   
                (Att D)   (Att E)   (Att F)   (Att G)   (Att H)
              •Response Letter 20-April-2004 (.pdf)

Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Smoky Canyon Mine Panel F & G Expansion
     12. Reconsideration Request July 16, 2008 (.pdf)
              •Final Response September 15, 2008(.pdf)



USDA Forest Service - Staff Office
Last Modified: Friday, 20 February 2009 at 13:02:19 EST

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