Federal Aviation Administration

Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Updated: 12:18 pm ET January 9, 2008

Special Issuances

The Federal Aviation Administration physicians are authorized to grant an Authorization for Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate (Authorization) in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations ยง 67.401.

The Authorization letter is accompanied by attachments that specify the information that treating physician(s) must provide for the re-issuance determination. If this is a first time issuance of an Authorization for the applicable disease/condition, and the airman has all of the requisite medical information necessary for a determination, the Examiner must defer and submit all of the documentation to the AMCD or RFS for the initial determination. An Examiner's decision or determination is subject to review by the FAA.

AME Assisted Special Issuances
AME Assisted Special Issuances Certificate Coversheet (PDF)

12:18 pm ET January 9, 2008