Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2: Number of Trips and Average Trip Length, for Each Income Class

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Household Income Number of daily trips Trip length (miles)
Mean SE Mean SE
0-24,999 3.5 0.04 8.2 0.16
25,000-49,999 4.1 0.03 9.5 0.19
50,0000-74,999 4.3 0.04 10.4 0.39
75,000-99,999 4.4 0.05 11.1 0.49
100,000 + 4.6 0.05 11.8 0.64
Overall 4.1 0.02 10.0 0.16

Note: Sample contains about 250 thousand daily trips, SE = standard error.

Source: Calculated from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey, Person and Day Trip Files, U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Federal Highway Administration.

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