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U.S. Department
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National Highway
Traffic Safety

Research Note NCSA

DOT HS 809 555
February 2003

The Use of Child Restraints in 2002

Donna Glassbrenner*

    Restraint use by young children reached record levels in 2002, with 99% of infants and 94% of toddlers restrained. On the other hand, too many youngsters remain in the front seat,� with 15% of infants, 10% of 1-3 year olds, and 29% of 4-7 year-olds in this more dangerous seating position. Also, the restraint status of the driver continues to be strongly related to that of his or her child passengers, indicating that belt enforcement programs save kids� lives as well as benefiting adults. These results are from the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), which provides the only probability-based observed data on the use of child restraints on the nation�s roads. This survey is conducted by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

    The survey also found:

    This is the first time NOPUS has measured the restraint use of 4-7 year olds. In addition to observing restraint use for a larger range of children, the incorporation of this new age category gave rise to changes in the NOPUS definitions of toddlers, from 1-4 year olds to 1-3 year olds, and of children, from under 5 to under 8 years. Consequently changes in restraint estimates for toddlers and combined restraint estimates for all children could be due to these changes in age groups.

    Table 1: The NOPUS Age Groups

    Age Group Definition Used by NOPUS During the Years
    1994-2000 2002
    Infant 0 years 0 years
    Toddler 1-4 years 1-3 years
    Booster-Age Child NA 4-7 years
    Child 0-4 years 0-7 years

    Restraint Use of Young Children Reach Record Levels;� Booster Age Kids Have Low Restraint Use

    Restraint use for infants reach a record high of 99% and that for toddlers reached 94%. We are 85% confident that use increased among infants and 60% confident for toddlers. Use appears to drop off sharply when children reach the 4-7 age category.

    Table 2: Restraint Use by Children

    Age Group Restraint Use Standard Error
    2000 2002 2000 2002
    Infants (0 years) 95% 99% 2.9% 0.5%
        (1-4 years in 2000,
        1-3 years in 2002)
    91% 94% 3.7% 1.8.%
    Booster-Age Children
        (4-7 years)
    NA 83% NA 2.8%

    Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2000, 2002.

    * Donna Glassbrenner is a Mathematical Statistician in the Mathematical Analysis Division, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA.

    Chart 1: Restraint Use by Children

    Many Children Continue to Ride in the Front Seat

    NOPUS calculated front seat occupancy for the first time this year. NOPUS observed nearly a third of 4-7 year olds in the front seat. Perhaps more alarming is that 15% of infants are in this vulnerable seating position.

    Table 2: Front Seat Occupancy in 2002

    Age Group Front Seat Occupancy Standard Error
    Infants 15% 4.5%
    Toddlers 10% 2.5%
    Booster-Age Children 29% 4.7%

    Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2002.

    Chart 2: Seating Positions of Children in 2002

    Belted Drivers Restrain Their Child Occupants More than Unbelted Drivers

    NOPUS has consistently seen evidence that programs that enforce or encourage belt use save children�s, as well as adult�s lives. Fully 92% of the time, when a driver is belted, his or her child passengers are restrained. In contrast, when the driver is unbelted, the children are restrained only 72% of the time.

    Table 3: Restraint Use of Children by Belt Status of Driver

    Belt Status of Driver Restraint Use of Child Passenger Standard Error
    2000 2002 2000 2002
    Belted 97% 92% 2.0% 5.8%
    Unbelted 86% 72% 9.8% 9.1%

    Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2000, 2002.

    Note that the decreases in use in Table 3 could be due to the changes in the definition of "Child". The children observed in 2002 were under 8, and so were generally older than those observed in 2000, who were under 5. Also note that child passengers observed might or might not be related to the driver of their vehicle.

    Male Drivers Are Improving at Restraining Their Child Passengers

    The 2000 NOPUS data showed, to a reasonable 74% degree of confidence, that female drivers restrained their child passengers more than males drivers. There was a 7-point gap in the restraint use of children by the gender of their driver. In 2002, this gender gap has shrunk to a virtually nonexistent 1 percentage point, with only a 9% confidence in a gender difference.

    Table 4: Restraint Use of Children by Gender of Driver

    Gender of Driver Restraint Use of Child Passenger Standard Error
    2000 2002 2000 2002
    Female 97% 92% 3.5% 6.7%
    Male 90% 91% 5.2% 7.0%

    Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2000, 2002.

    Again note that decreases in restraint use might be due the change in the definition of a "Child" in 2002.

    Evidence that Education Programs on Proper Child Restraints Are Working

    Using data on the height and weight distributions of children from [C], we can calculate the percentage of children in each NOPUS age category that should use a given type of child restraint. Based on these calculations, NOPUS saw improvements in the use of correct restraints for infants and toddlers, although some premature graduation remains.

    According to NHTSA recommendations:

    All infants should be in rear-facing safety seats. NOPUS saw only 32% of infants in such restraints in 2002, but this was an improvement over the 24% seen in 2000.

    Fully 92% of toddlers should be in forward-facing safety seats. NOPUS saw 62% of toddlers in these restraints, up from 39% in 2000. This is a statistically significant increase in the use of front-facing safety seats.

    About 63% of 4-7 year olds should be in booster seats. NOPUS saw 6% in high-back boosters and 67% in belts or backless boosters. (When a child is in a backless booster, only the belt can be observed by a data collector.) Since we cannot say how many of the 67% observed were in belts, it is difficult to compare the NOPUS estimates with the 63% we should see in boosters.

    On the other hand, NOPUS continues to see some degree of premature graduation. Although all infants should be in rear-facing safety seats, NOPUS saw 68% of infants in front-facing seats in 2000 and 66% in 2002. Although virtually all toddlers should be in safety seats, NOPUS saw 45% in belts or boosters in 2000 and 29% in 2002. The survey results also indicated that some 4-7 year olds are being prematurely graduated into boosters. NOPUS only saw 9% of these youngsters in front-facing safety seats, but should have seen 37%.

    Table 5: Restraint Use by Infants

    Restraint Use Standard
    What We
    Should See*
    2000 2002# 2000 2002
    Front-facing car seat 68% 66% 20.8% 5.7% 0%
    Rear-facing car seat 24% 32% 9.5% 5.6% 100%
    High-back booster seat NA 1% NA 0.3% 0%
    Belt or backless booster 3% 1% 3.1% 0.6% 0%
    No restraint observed 5% 1% 2.9% 0.5% 0%
      #Totals do not sum to 100% due to rounding.
      *Based on NHTSA recommendations and [C]
      Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2000, 2002.

    Table 6: Restraint Use by Toddlers

    Restraint Use# Standard
    What We
    Should See*
    2000 2002 2000 2002
    Front-facing car seat 39% 62% 9.3% 3.5% 92%
    Rear-facing car seat 8% 4% 2.7% 0.9% 8%
    High-back booster seat NA 16% NA 3.3% 0%
    Belt or backless booster 45% 13% 10.9% 2.6% 0%
    No restraint observed 9% 6% 3.7% 1.8% 0%

      #Totals do not sum to 100% due to rounding.
      *Based on NHTSA recommendations and [C]
      Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2000, 2002.

    Table 7: Restraint Use by Booster Age Children in 2002

    Restraint Use Standard
    What We
    Should See*
    Front-facing car seat 9% 3.1% 37%
    Rear-facing car seat 1% 0.4% 0%
    High-back booster seat 6% 1.7% **
    Belt or backless booster 67% 3.2% **
    No restraint observed 17% 2.8% 0%
      *Based on NHTSA recommendations and [C]
      **These cells should sum to 63%.
      Source: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, NOPUS, 2000, 2002.

    Chart 3: Restraint Use by Infants

    Chart 4: Restraint Use by Toddlers

    Chart 5: Restraint Use by Booster Age Children in 2002

    NOPUS Cannot Estimate Booster Seat Use at This Time

    Data collectors cannot observe backless boosters from the roadside. When data collectors observe children in these restraints, they are recorded as "Belted". Not knowing how many of the 67% of 4-7 year olds observed in belts or backless boosters are in belts, NOPUS cannot estimate booster seat use in this age range. If we could obtain a reliable estimate of the distribution of backless versus high-back boosters, we could appropriately inflate the high-back estimate of 6% to a booster seat estimate. However we are not able to obtain a reliable estimate of the distribution at this time, largely because of the large numbers of convertible seats being used.

    NHTSA also investigated whether it could be reliably assessed whether a child was elevated, in an attempt to incorporate backless boosters in the NOPUS estimates, but determined such appraisals would be unreliable.

    SAFE KIDS estimated that 37% of children in 2001 who should be in a booster seat were in one. [S] They obtained their data by observing stopped vehicles at a convenience sample of 174 sites at which one would be likely to see children, including fast food restaurants, shopping centers, gas stations, and child care centers. By observing from the open doors of vehicles, they were able to see both backless and high-back boosters, and by interviewing occupants they were able to obtain accurate estimates of the ages and sizes of children. It would be desirable, however, to have an estimate produced by a probability sample, in order to decrease possible biases.

    Increase in Sample Size in 2002

    The estimates in this note are generally more reliable than in previous years, due to an increase in sample size. In 2002, 1,500 kids under four were observed in 38,000 vehicles� at 1,100 sites, compared to 300 kids under five in 12,000 vehicles� at 700 sites in recent years. This cut standard errors approximately in half, and so made the NOPUS data much more reliable. In addition, NOPUS observed 2,000 4-7 year olds in 2002. For� information on how the sample was supplemented, see [D].

    Data Limitations

    NOPUS conducts its observations during daylight hours and observes passenger vehicles having no commercial markings. Furthermore, NOPUS observes child restraint use at intersections that are controlled by a stop sign or stoplight. These protocols may slightly bias the estimates. In particular, the use of child restraints might be lower at night than during the day. Furthermore, the use of child restraints might be lower at general roadway sites than at controlled intersections, since controlled intersections are more common in more urbanized areas, which in turn tend to exhibit higher restraint use rates.

    We thank John Kindelberger of NCSA for his calculations of the restraint use that we should see for children based on the data in [C].

    Table 8: Restraint Use by Infants, Toddlers, and Booster-Age Children

    Item Use in 2002 Use in 2000 2000-2002 Change
    Estimate Standard Error Estimate Standard Error Estimate# Standard Error Conversion Rate
    Front-facing car seat 66% 5.7% 68% 20.8% -2% 22% -6%
    Rear-facing car seat 32% 5.6% 24% 9.5% 8% 11% 11%
    High-back booster seat 1% 0.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belt or backless booster 1% 0.6% 3% 3.1% -2% 3% -2%
    No restraint observed 1% 0.5% 5% 2.9% -4% 3% -4%
    Toddlers (ages 1-4 in 2000 and 1-3 in 2002)
    Front-facing car seat 62% 3.5% 39% 9.3% 23% (S) 10% 38%
    Rear-facing car seat 4% 0.9% 8% 2.7% -4% 3% -4%
    High-back booster seat 16% 3.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belt or backless booster 13% 2.6% 45% 10.9% -32% (S) 11% -58%
    No restraint observed 6% 1.8% 9% 3.7% -3% 4% -3%
    Booster-Age Children (ages 4-7)
    Front-facing car seat 9% 3.1% NA NA NA NA NA
    Rear-facing car seat 1% 0.4% NA NA NA NA NA
    High-back booster seat 6% 1.7% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belt or backless booster 67% 3.2% NA NA NA NA NA
    No restraint observed 17% 2.8% NA NA NA NA NA

    Table 9: Restraint Use of 0-7 Year Olds in 2002 and 0-4 Year Olds in 2000

    Characteristic Use Among 0-7 Year Olds
    in 2002
    Use Among 0-4 Year Olds
    in 2000
    2000-2002 Change
    Estimate* Standard
    Estimate* Standard
    Estimate# Standard
    Overall 88% 2.2% 91% 3.6% -3% 5.7% -33%
    Northeast 87% 5.4% 84% 21.2% 3% 23.4% 19%
    Midwest 86% 5.1% 91% 18.4% -5% 20.8% -56%
    South 92% 3.0% 89% 14.2% 3% 15.9% 27%
    West 86% 4.5% 96% 26.9% -10% 28.1% -250%
    Urban 84% 4.7% 96% 2.3% -12% (S) 9.9% -300%
    Suburban 85% 3.0% 94% 2.7% -9% (S) 6.2% -150%
    Rural 87% 2.2% 72% 13.7% 15% 15.6% 54%
    Weekday 89% 2.2% 94% 2.9% -5% 5.8% -83%
    Weekend 85% 4.6% 84% 15.8% 1% 18.0% 6%
    Weekday rush hour 90% 2.7% 95% 3.6% -5% 7.9% -100%
    Weekday non-rush hour 87% 2.7% 92% 4.0% -5% 6.7% -63%
    Passenger cars 88% 2.1% 92% 3.0% -4% 3.7% -50%
    Vans & SUVs 91% 2.5% NA NA NA NA NA
    Pickups 77% 7.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front seat 83% 3.8% 94% 3.2% -11% (S) 6.8% -183%
    Rear seat 90% 1.8% 91% 3.9% -1% 6.1% -11%

    Table 10: Belt Use of Drivers in 2002 by the Restraint Use of 0-7 Year Old Children

    Scenario Driver
    Belt Use
    Scenario Driver
    Belt Use
    All Passenger Vehicles     Vans & SUVs    
    All Children Restrained 86% 2% All Children Restrained 90% 2%
    At Least One Child Restrained 86% 2% At Least One Child Restrained 90% 2%
    At Least One Child Unrestrained 60% 4% At Least One Child Unrestrained 67% 7%
    All Children Unrestrained 58% 5% All Children Unrestrained 64% 7%
    No Children in Vehicle 74% 2% No Children in Vehicle 77% 2%
    Passenger Cars     Pickup Trucks    
    All Children Restrained 86% 3% All Children Restrained 74% 6%
    At Least One Child Restrained 86% 3% At Least One Child Restrained 73% 6%
    At Least One Child Unrestrained 59% 5% At Least One Child Unrestrained 57% 18%
    All Children Unrestrained 56% 6% All Children Unrestrained 58% 18%
    No Children in Vehicle 76% 2% No Children in Vehicle 64% 3%

    Chart 6: Driver Restraint Use by Restraint Use of Children

    Table 11: Child Restraint Use in 2002 by Restraint Use and Gender of Driver and Vehicle Type

    Item Estimate Standard
    Item Estimate Standard
    All Passenger Vehicles     Vans & SUVs    
    Belted Driver 92% 5.8% Belted Driver 93% 0.5%
    Unbelted Driver 72% 9.1% Unbelted Driver 74% 2.0%
    Female Driver 92% 6.7% Female Driver 96% 0.7%
    Male Driver 91% 7.0% Male Driver 92% 0.8%
    Passenger Cars     Pickup Trucks    
    Belted Driver 92% 0.5% Belted Driver 80% 0.9%
    Unbelted Driver 72% 1.3% Unbelted Driver 67% 3.0%
    Female Driver 91% 0.6% Female Driver 92% 3.6%
    Male Driver 93% 0.8% Male Driver 77% 1.1%

    Table 12: Driver and Child Restraint Use in 2000 and 2002

    Item 2002 2000 2000-2002 Change
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate# Standard
    Driver Restraint Use When
    At Least One Child Is Restrained 86% 2.2% 79% 5.6% 7% 6.0%
    At Least One Child Is Unrestrained 60% 3.7% 54% 13.9% 6% 14.4%
    No Children Are in Vehicle 74% 1.6% 72% 2.9% 2% 3.3%
    Child Restraint Use When            
    Driver is Belted 92% 5.8% 97% 2.0% -5% 6.1%
    Driver is Unbelted 72% 9.1% 86% 9.8% -14% 13.4%
    Driver is Female 92% 6.7% 97% 3.5% -5% 7.5%
    Driver is Male 91% 7.0% 90% 5.2% 1% 8.7%

    More Detailed Estimates

    Table 13: Restraint Use by Infants

    Characteristic Use in 2002 Use in 2000 2000-2002 Change
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate# Standard
    All Passenger Vehicles 99% 0.5% 95% 2.9% 4% 10.6% 80%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 11% 5.1% 36% 2.9% -25% 5.8% -39%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 4% 1.3% 13% 8.3% -9% 8.4% -10%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 0% 0.1% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 55% 6.8% 32% 20.6% 23% 21.7% 34%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 28% 5.3% 11% 4.6% 17% 7.0% 19%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 1% 0.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 1% 0.6% 3% 3.1% -2% 3.2% -2%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 1% 0.5% NA NA NA NA NA
    Passenger Cars 99% 0.7% 97% 2.6% 2% 11.8% 67%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 10% 6.0% 48% 38.8% -38% 39.3% -73%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 4% 1.6% 17% 14.0% -13% 14.1% -16%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 0% 0.1% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 56% 7.3% 21% 17.3% 35% 18.8% 44%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 28% 6.4% 7% 6.8% 21% 9.4% 23%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 0% 0.2% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 0% 0.4% 3% 4.0% -3% 4.0% -3%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 1% 0.7% NA NA NA NA NA
    Vans & SUVs 100% 0.1% 98% 1.2% 2% 17.9% 100%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 9% 8.1% 1% 0.8% 8% 8.2% 8%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 1% 1.0% 11% 10.8% -10% 10.8% -11%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 0% 0.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 55% 11.6% 53% 24.0% 2% 26.7% 4%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 30% 10.5% 33% 17.0% -3% 20.0% -4%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 2% 1.4% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 3% 2.6% 1% 0.7% 2% 2.7% 2%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 0% 0.1% NA NA NA NA NA
    Pickup Trucks 97% 3.1% 75% 59.2% 22% 67.0% 88%

    Table 14: Restraint Use by Ages 1-3 in 2002 and Ages 1-4 in 2000

    Characteristic Use in 2002
    for Ages 1-3
    Use in 2000
    for Ages 1-4
    2000-2002 Change
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate# Standard
    All Passenger Vehicles 94% 1.8% 91% 3.7% 3% 6.7% 33%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 3% 0.8% 14% 6.7% -11% 6.8% -13%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.3% 2% 1.4% -2% 1.4% -2%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 1% 0.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 4% 1.6% 19% 6.4% -15% 6.6% -19%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 2% 1.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 59% 3.6% 25% 6.5% 34% 7.4% 45%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 3% 0.9% 6% 2.3% -3% 2.5% -3%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 15% 3.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 10% 1.9% 26% 8.8% -16% 9.0% -22%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 4% 0.9% NA NA NA NA NA
    Passenger Cars 95% 1.4% 91% 3.4% 4% 7.8% 44%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 2% 0.8% 9% 4.3% -7% 4.4% -8%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 1% 0.4% 2% 1.6% -1% 1.7% -1%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 1% 0.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 4% 2.1% 24% 11.3% -20% 11.5% -26%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 0% 0.4% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 57% 4.6% 18% 7.6% 39% 8.9% 48%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 3% 1.1% 5% 2.7% -2% 2.9% -2%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 15% 4.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 12% 2.4% 32% 13.1% -20% 13.3% -29%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 5% 1.3% NA NA NA NA NA
    Vans & SUVs 99% 0.5% 98% 1.0% 1% 7.8% 50%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 3% 1.5% 11% 9.4% -8% 9.5% -9%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.2% 3% 3.6% -3% 3.6% -3%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 2% 1.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 1% 0.7% 36% 16.5% -35% 16.5% -55%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 0% 0.1% NA NA NA NA NA
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 69% 5.1% 34% 9.4% 35% 10.7% 53%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 3% 1.3% 7% 5.3% -4% 5.5% -4%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 17% 5.0% NA NA NA NA NA
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 4% 1.7% 7% 2.3% -3% 2.9% -3%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 1% 0.5% NA NA NA NA NA
    Pickup Trucks 74% 15.9% 99% 1.2% -25% 15.6% -2500%

    Table 15: Restraint Use by Ages 4-7 in 2002

    Characteristic Use in 2002 Characteristic Use in 2002
    Estimate Standard
    Estimate Standard
    All Passenger Vehicles 83% 2.8% Vans & SUVs 86% 3.6%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 2% 1.1% Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.2%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.0% Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.0%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 1% 0.4% High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 1% 0.4%
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 20% 3.2% Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 19% 5.9%
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 6% 1.7% Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 6% 3.0%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 7% 2.2% Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 12% 3.6%
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 1% 0.4% Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 0% 0.2%
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 5% 1.4% High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 6% 1.7%
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 47% 4.8% Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 49% 6.9%
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 11% 2.0% Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 8% 2.0%
    Passenger Cars 82% 3.1% Pickup Trucks 78% 5.3%
    Front Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 3% 1.6%      
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Front Seat 0% 0.0%      
    High-Back Booster Seat in Front Seat 1% 0.5%      
    Belted or Backless Booster in Front Seat 18% 4.3%      
    Front Seat, No Restraint Observed 6% 2.0%      
    Front Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 5% 2.3%      
    Rear Facing Car Seat in Rear Seat 1% 0.7%      
    High-Back Booster Seat in Rear Seat 5% 1.8%      
    Belted or Backless Booster in Rear Seat 49% 5.4%      
    Rear Seat, No Restraint Observed 13% 2.2%      

    Survey Design

    The data in this note were observed during the Controlled Intersection Study of NOPUS. This survey uses a multi-stage probability sample of roadways to ensure reliable estimates. The Controlled Intersection sample consists of intersections that are controlled by a stop sign or a stoplight, at which stopped and slowed traffic permit detailed observation. For a complete description of the sample design, see [N]. Data collectors observed the restraint use of children who appeared to be under 8, and the belt use and demographic characteristics (race, age, gender) of the drivers in passenger vehicles having no commercial markings during daylight hours between 10 AM and 6 PM. Demographic classifications, as well as urbanization, were according to the best determination of the data collectors. "Weekday rush hour" is defined to be 8:00 � 9:30 AM and 3:30 � 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. "Weekday non-rush hour" refers to the portions of the weekdays that don�t occur in rush hour. The results in this note were observed between June 3, 2002 and June 22, 2002, and are based on 38,000 vehicles.

    The field data is entered, edited, and missing values of certain variables (race, age, and gender) imputed. Estimates and sampling errors are computed incorporating NOPUS�s complex sample design. Although we plan to use direct estimation of the variances of differences in future surveys, the variances on the 2000-2002� differences in this note are based on the assumption that the 2000 and 2002 surveys are independent.

    Assessing Significance

    Because NOPUS uses a probability sample, one can calculate the error its estimates incur from observing use for a sample of roadways and times rather than for all roads and times. The actual quantity being estimated by a NOPUS estimate is within twice the standard error of the estimated value with 95% confidence. (Standard errors are provided in the tables in this note.)� This computation can be used to determine whether differences, such as differences in safety seat and belt use, are statistically significant. See [N] for detailed examples of such calculations.


    [C] Kuczmarski RJ, Ogden CL, Guo SS, et al, 2000 CDC Growth Charts for the United States: Methods and Development, National Center for Health Statistics, Vital Health Stat 11(246), 2002

    [D] D. Glassbrenner, Safety Belt Use in 2002 � Demographic Characteristics,� NHTSA Research Note,� DOT HS 809 , February 2002

    [N] D. Glassbrenner, Safety Belt and Helmet Use in 2002 � Overall Results,� NHTSA Technical Report,� DOT HS 809 500, September 2002

    [S] SAFE KIDS, Child Passengers at Risk in America:� A National Study of Restraint Use, February 2002

    For additional copies of this research note, please call (800) 934-8517 or fax your request to (202) 366-3189. For questions regarding the data reported in this research, contact Donna Glassbrenner at (202) 366-5358. This research� note and other general information on highway traffic safety may be accessed by internet users at:


    U.S. Department
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    National Highway
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    400 Seventh Street, S.W., NPO-120
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    NHTSA People Saving People Mathematical Analysis Division