Table 14: Network Airline System* Unit Revenue ,,,,,,, Network Airlines Ranked by 2nd Quarter 2008 Unit Revenue (Cents Per ASM) ,,,,,,, (Operating Revenue Per Available Seat Mile),,,,,,, 2Q 2008 Rank,Network Airlines,2nd Quarter 2007 ,3rd Quarter 2007 ,4th Quarter 2007 ,1st Quarter 2008 ,2nd Quarter 2008,2nd Quarter Operating Revenue $(Millions) 1,US Airways**,19.0,17.7,15.8,15.9,17.3,"3,350" 2,Delta,15.7,15.2,15.1,15.9,16.9,"5,552" 3,Northwest,14.7,15.7,15.2,15.4,16.7,"3,690" 4,Continental,14.5,14.5,14.3,14.5,15.4,"4,023" 5,United,14.5,15.1,14.2,13.6,15.2,"5,371" 6,American,13.7,13.7,13.4,13.8,14.8,"6,155" 7,Alaska***,13.0,13.8,12.4,12.1,N/A,N/A ,Seven-Carrier Total,14.8,14.9,14.4,14.6,15.8,"28,141" "Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics; Form 41, Schedule P1.2. T100; T2 Data",,,,,,, * System = domestic + international ,,,,,,, ** America West Airlines and US Airways now operate under a single certificate and report jointly. The combined airline’s financial numbers are included with the network carriers beginning with the fourth quarter of 2007. US Airways’ previous numbers remain with network carriers and America West’s previous numbers are listed separately as a low-cost carrier.,,,,,,, *** Alaska Airlines requested confidentiality for its 2nd Quarter 2008 data. Alaska’s numbers are included in previous quarter totals.,,,,,,,