Table 1: Passenger Airline System* Quarterly Operating Profit/Loss Margin (In Percent) ,,,,,,, Airline Groups Ranked by 2nd Quarter 2008 Margin ,,,,,,, (Operating Profit/Loss as Percent of Total Operating Revenue),,,,,,, 2Q 2008 Rank,Airline Group,2nd Quarter 2007 (%),3rd Quarter 2007 (%),4th Quarter 2007 (%),1st Quarter 2008 (%),2nd Quarter 2008 (%),2nd Quarter Operating Profit/Loss $(Millions) 1,Regional,5.0,4.0,3.6,2.0,2.5,73 2,Network**,9.2,8.8,-1.1,-5.2,-6.3,"-1,767" 3,Low-Cost***,8.8,6.6,2.9,1.0,N/A,N/A ,21-Carrier Total,-1.1,8.2,0.0,N/A,N/A,N/A "Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics; Form 41, Schedule P1.2 ",,,,,,, * System = domestic + international ,,,,,,, ** Alaska Airlines requested confidentiality for its 2nd Quarter 2008 data. Alaska’s numbers are included in previous quarter totals.,,,,,,, *** Allegiant Airlines requested confidentiality for its 2nd Quarter 2008 data. Allegiant’s numbers are included in previous quarter totals.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,