Table 1: Passenger Airline System* Quarterly Operating Profit/Loss Margin (In Percent) ,,,,,,, Airline Groups Ranked by 3rd Quarter 2008 Margin,,,,,,, (Operating Profit/Loss as Percent of Total Operating Revenue),,,,,,, 3Q 2008 Rank,Airline Group,3rd Quarter 2007 (%),4th Quarter 2007 (%),1st Quarter 2008 (%),2nd Quarter 2008 (%),3rd Quarter 2008 (%),3rd Quarter Operating Profit/Loss $(Millions) 1,Network**,8.8,-1.1,-5.2,-6.3,-5.8,"-1,692.0" 2,Low-Cost***,4.9,2.9,1.0,N/A,N/A,N/A 3,Regional****,4.9,3.6,2.0,2.5,N/A,N/A ,21-Carrier Total,8.2,0.0,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A "Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics; Form 41, Schedule P1.2 ",,,,,,, *System = domestic + international ,,,,,,, ** Alaska Airlines requested confidentiality for its data beginning in the 2nd Quarter of 2008. Alaska’s numbers are included in previous quarter totals.,,,,,,, *** Allegiant Airlines requested confidentiality for its data beginning in the 2nd Quarter of 2008. Allegiant’s numbers are included in previous quarter totals. Spirit Airlines failed to file its report for the third quarter of 2008.,,,,,,, **** Mesa Airlines requested confidentiality for its third quarter 2008 financial report. ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,