USDA Forest Service, Fire and Aviation Management.  Header holds navigational links

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Wildland Fire Safety

Military partners header, photos of military firefighters and a National Guard truck.

The Army, Marines, Air Force, and National Guard: there when we need them!



When the need arises, usually during a very active wildland fire year, the Forest Service and other federal wildland firefighting agencies engage the assistance of the United States military.

Through the National Interagency Fire Center, we can activate a standing agreement with the Department of Defense to use Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve C-130 aircraft and personnel with a special Modular Airborne Firefighting System (MAFFS) for retardant missions.

When the number of firefighters available to fight large fires becomes stretched, we can call on the 5th Army and Marine units to join us in battling wildland fires. An experienced training cadre provided by the wildland fire agencies works with each battalion of 500-600 soldiers or Marines requested, giving them one day of classroom training and two days in the field before sending them to work on the firelines. Military units start out working on mop-up and are moved to other assignments as they gain experience.







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United States Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service