U.S. Forest Service Post-Fire Vegetation Conditions on the National Forests


Post-Fire Vegetation Conditions on the National Forests

This website offers an initial description of post-fire vegetative conditions using the Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) process. RAVG analysis looks at fires that burn more than 1,000 acres of forested National Forest System (NFS) lands, beginning with fires that occurred in 2007. These fires result in direct losses of vegetative cover and many of the benefits associated with forested ecosystems.

NFS lands experience thousands of wildfires every year, most of which are relatively small. The largest fires typically account for 90% of the total acreage burned. RAVG analysis provides a first approximation of areas that due to severity of the fire may require reforestation treatments. These reforestation treatments would re-establish forest cover and restore associated ecosystem services. This initial approximation could be followed by a site-specific diagnosis and development of a silvicultural prescription identifying reforestation needs.

Search for RAVG wildfire summaries using the Select Wildfires... "By Year...", "By State...", or "By National Forest/Grassland..." menus (does not allow multiple criteria selection) to produce lists of wildfires; or, you may select an individual wildfire using the "By Wildfire..." selection menu. You may also select a Forest Service Region on the map below to display a wildfire list for that region of the United States.

Select Wildfires...

Select Wildfires by Region...

A map of the Unites States displaying the U.S. Forest Service Regions. Select a Region on this map to display the Forest Fires for the Region. Pacific Southwest Region Forest Fire Lists Alaska Region Forest Fire Lists Southern Region Forest Fire Lists Pacific Northwest Region Forest Fire Lists Pacific Southwest Region Forest Fire Lists Northern Region Forest Fire Lists Intermountain Region Forest Fire Lists Rocky Mountain Region Forest Fire Lists Southwestern Region Forest Fire Lists Eastern Region Forest Fire Lists Southern Region Forest Fire Lists

U.S. Forest Service
Attn: Forest Management
1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop: 1103
Washington DC 20250-0003


Please contact us with questions or comments regarding this website.

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Location: http://www.fs.fed.us/postfirevegcondition/index.php
Last modified: January 27, 2009