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A clearinghouse for new techniques, technologies, and ideas in wildland firefighting.


Founded in 1936, Fire Management Today has served the wildland fire community for more than 70 years as a clearinghouse for new techniques, technologies, and ideas. It has provided a forum open to anyone with anything useful to share with other wildland fire professional. In the process, the journal has not only facilitated information exchange, but also helped build a common history and culture in the wildland fire community.

Until 1961, the journal kept the same simple design under its original name, Fire Control Notes. Changes in wildland fire management policy in the 1970s led the journal to adopt a new name, Fire Management Notes, which was changed to Fire Management Today in 2000.

Glancing through old issues of the journal, you can trace the development of the one-lick method, the 40-man crew, helicopter use, incident management, fire behavior research, interagency collaboration, the Cooperative Fire Prevention Campaign, and many other aspects of wildland fire management.

In 1936, when Roy Headley, head of the Forest Service's Division of Fire Control, introduced Fire Control Notes, he had a vision of establishing "a common meeting ground" for wildland fire professionals. Fire Management Today continues to provide that forum.

Fire Management Today Offers its Services to Wildland Fire Safety

"Fire Management Today and its predecessors collectively now have a 70-year record of publishing on all aspects of wildland fire, including firefighter safety. The authors have served as coordinators and/or contributors for five special issues dealing with the Dude Fire Staff Ride, fire behavior, and prescribed fire published between 2002-2006. Wildland fire safety has been one of the underlying themes throughout all these issues."

See the entire article by D.A Thomas and M. E. Alexander



Fire Management Today On the Web

Contact Fire Management Today Staff

Managing Editor, Karen Mora
Phone: (970) 295-5715

General Manager, Melissa Frey
Phone: (202) 205-1090

Back Issues of FMT

Some back issues of Fire Management Today in print are available in limited quantities at no charge. For more information, contact the Fire Management Today staff.

Subscription to FMT

Charge your order by phone, fax or US mail.

Visit the GPO website for more information and to order on line.

E-mail an inquiry to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

Contributors to FMT

You can view our Photo Contest Winners here!

  • 2007 Contest Winners
  • 2006 Contest Winners
  • 2004 Contest Winners
  • 2003 Contest Winners
  • 2000 Contest Winners


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