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Large Document Library

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For the purposes of this site, a large document is one whose file size exceeds 2 Megabytes.
Please Note:

If your access to the Internet is via telephone modem, downloading any of these files may take a LONG time: a 10 Megabyte file may take nearly 2 hours over a 28.8 modem.

Some of these large document files have also been posted as individual chapters or parts. These are listed below the main document link. These are much smaller, individual files that will download much quicker than the complete document file.

Any of these files are available on CD sent via U.S. Priority Mail. To request a copy of these files on CD, e-mail your request (include your mailing address) to the webmaster at NWCG_Webmaster@nifc.blm.gov.



PMS 475 --- Basic Land Navigation --- June 2007
(18.38 Mbytes; PDF format)
top of page
PMS 410-1 --- Fireline Handbook --- March 2004
(3.2 Mbytes; PDF format)

PMS 410-2 --- Appendix B: Fire Behavior
(April 2006)(2.56 Mbytes; PDF format)

[top of page]

PMS 841 --- Wildland Firefighter Fatalities in the United States: 1990-2006 --- August 2007 (5.8 Mbytes; PDF Format)

NEW FORMAT: With the 2008 revision, this web version of the handbook is available in an 8.5" x 11" format. The following files are in this size:

PMS 902 --- Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook
February 2008
(12.00 Mbytes; PDF format)

Summary of changes made in the 2008 revision [download in PDF format]

[top of page]

PMS 420-2 --- Smoke Management Guide --- December 2001
(6.7 Mbytes; PDF format)

[top of page]



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