Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 14
Factors Affecting Truck MFP in Three Time Periods

(Directional Impacts)

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  Time Period
1987-1995 1995-2001 2001-2003
MFP Movement + _ +
Factors affecting MFP      
1. Increase in capital per worker; improved quality of capital. + _ 0
2. Increased use of:      
a. computers + + +
b. software + + _
3. Efficiency of using intermediate inputs. _ _ +
4. Improved fuel efficiency.      
a. Single-unit trucks + + _
b. Combinaton trucks + _ _
5. Average length of haul. + + NA
6. Containerization + _ +
7. Interstate deregulation + + +
8. Intrastate deregulation   _ +
9. Mergers/acquisitions     +
10. Recesssion\9-11-2001   _  

Source: The information is obtained fromt the analysis presented in the paper.

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