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Federal Aviation Administration
The Federal Aviation Administration's safety programs, offices, and policy
US Naval Observatory site - sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and the beginning and end of civil twilight
Latitude/Longitude Look-up
Latitude and longitude of major US cities
American Helicopter Services and Aerial Firefighting Association
The American Helicopter Services and Aerial Firefighting Association (AHSAFA) is a nonprofit trade association organized for the purpose of promoting and advancing the common interest and welfare of companies engaged in forest and wildland firefighting and other aerial activities.
GSA - Aviation Management
Automated Flight Following
Landings - Numerous aviation databases and flight planning tools

Aviation Safety

Interagency Aviation Mishap Response Guide & Checklist
For use by both the DOI-AM Aviation Safety Manager and the USDA-FS National Aviation Safety and Training Manager.
National Transportation Safety Board - Aviation