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Trade Remedy Investigations          

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Completed Investigations
Frozen or Canned Warmwater Shrimp and Prawns From Brazil, China, Ecuador, India, Thailand, and Vietnam
Invs. Nos. 731-TA-1063-1068
Preliminary Phase
go to Final Phase
Key Dates
Start Return Questionnaires   Conference Postconference Briefs
12/31/2003 01/16/2004 01/12/2004 01/26/2004
Vote Determinations   Views Commerce Preliminary
02/19/2004 02/17/2004 02/24/2004 08/04/2004
Office of Investigations Name/E-mail Phone
Investigator James McClure 202.205.3191
Investigator Elizabeth Haines 202.205.3200
Supervisory Investigator George Deyman 202.205.3197
ITC Notices
Notice of Institution 01/15/2004 PDF WEB  
Determinations 02/23/2004 PDF WEB  
ITC Questionnaires
U.S. Fishermen 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
U.S. Processors 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
U.S. Importer 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
Foreign Producer 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
Instructions - U.S. 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
Instructions - Foreign Producer 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
Transmittal Letter - U.S. 01/15/2004 PDF   WP
Transmittal Letter - Foreign Producer 01/15/2004      
ITC Transcripts
Conference 01/23/2004 PDF   WP
Vote 02/19/2004 PDF   WP
Other ITC Documents
Service List - APO 07/21/2004 PDF    
Service List - Public 01/20/2004 PDF    
News Release 02/17/2004   WEB  
Public Report 03/15/2004 PDF    
Commerce Department Documents
Notice of Initiation 01/27/2004 PDF WEB  
Postponement of Preliminary 05/24/2004 PDF WEB  
Preliminary Determination - Brazil 08/04/2004 PDF WEB  
Preliminary Determination - China 07/16/2004 PDF WEB  
Preliminary Determination - Ecuador 08/04/2004 PDF WEB  
Preliminary Determination - India 08/04/2004 PDF WEB  
Preliminary Determination - Thailand 08/04/2004 PDF WEB  
Preliminary Determination - Vietnam 07/16/2004 PDF WEB  
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Telephone: 202-205-2000
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