Context,1990,2007,,,, Resident population (thousand),"248,791","301,621",,,, Total area (thousand sq. mi.),"3,718","3,794 (2000)a",,,, Total civilian labor force (thousand),"125,840","153,124",,,, Real gross domestic productb (trillion),$7.1 ,$11.5 ,,,, "Median household incomeb,c","$36,668 ","$41,924 ",,,, "Average household incomeb,c","$39,073 ","$51,929 (2006)",,,, "Average household expendituresb,c","$35,257 ","$42,204 (2006)",,,, Number of households (thousand),"93,347","116,011",,,, Life expectancy at birth (years),75.4,77.8 (2005),,,, "a Data for 2000 include inland water, coastal water, Great Lakes, and territorial water. The Census Bureau tabulates area data for the decennial census years only.",,,,,, b Data in 2000 chained dollars (see Glossary for defi nition).,,,,,, "c BTS computations, November 2007 and October 2008.",,,,,, "Sources: Area—U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC), U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2002 and 2008, available at as of October 2008. GDP—USDOC, Bureau of Economic Analysis, available at as of October 2008. Population, number of households, and median household income—USDOC, Census, available at as of October 2008. Average household income and expenditures, and labor force—U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, available at as of October 2007. Life expectancy—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, available at as of October 2008.",,,,,,