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Following the release of the Interagency Fire Program Management Qualification Standard (IFPM) on October 1, 2004, the Washington Office determined that the IFPM Standard would only be applied to certain Key Fire and Aviation Management positions at the Forest / Ranger District level. A number of these positions are in the fourth tier or “sub-unit” that is unique to the Forest Service and are not specifically addressed in the interagency standard. Other positions are subordinate to those listed in one of the 13 “Key” IFPM positions. Since sub-unit and subordinate positions are not covered in IFPM, the Forest Service is implementing these positions as an agency addendum referred to as the Forest Service - Fire Program Management (FS-FPM) .

In 2007 the Forest Service established FS-FPM for the sub-unit and subordinate positions (see W.O. IFPM Clarification Letter dated 3/08/2007).

FS-FPM is tiered from IFPM, and although many of the implementation procedures are similar, many of the minimum qualification standards have been adjusted to be more appropriate for the Forest Service sub-unit and subordinate positions. The revised Forest Service 2008 IFPM / FS-FPM Crosswalk contains the most current IFPM Standard and FS-FPM Standard requirements for those positions within the Forest Service that have been included in either IFPM or FS-FPM.

FS-FPM was effective on Oct 1, 2008. The implementation period for FS-FPM is five years, and will end on October 1, 2013.

The implementation period for IFPM has been extended until October 1, 2010.

Forest Service Crosswalk Summary:

IFPM Category Forest Service Positions in IFPM Forest Service Positions in FS-FPM
(Previously "grayed out")
Unit Fire Program Manager Forest FMO Forest AFMO
District or Zone FMO
Wildland Fire Operations Specialist Note: The Forest Service has not identified any FS positions as being within the IFPM WFOS category. District or Zone AFMO,
T2 Handcrew Supervisors, Smokechase Module Leaders,
Station Managers
Prescribed Fire and Fuels Specialist Forest Fuels Specialist District or Zone Fuels Specialists

Prevention and Mitigation Specialist Forest Prevention Officer* District Prevention Technicians*

Supervisory Fire Engine Operator Engine Captains or Asst Captains  
Engine Module Supervisor Engine Captains  
IHC Superintendent IHC Superintendent IHC Asst Superintendent and IHC Squad Leaders
Helicopter Manager Helitack Crew Supervisor Helitack Asst Supervisor and Helitack Squad Leaders
Senior Firefighter Senior Firefighter  
Center Manager Center Manager
Lead IA Dispatcher / Assistant Center Manager Forest Dispatcher / Assistant Center Manager
Initial Attack Dispatchers Initial Attack Dispatchers
Geographic Area Fire Program Manager Regional Office
National Fire Program Manager National Office

*Prevention and Mitigation Specialist positions were removed from IFPM and FS-FPM (IFPM Decision Paper #4, Sept. 29, 2008).

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"What's New"
(as of 4/3/09)

FS-FPM Implementation Plan

Revised "Crosswalk"
