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Export Import Bank of the United States




Ex-Im Bank: India Portal

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Ex-Im Bank Opportunities in India

The Government of India's Planning Commission's Committee on Infrastructure estimates that $585 billion (about $240 billion in debt-financing) in total investment is necessary to achieve its Eleventh Plan. The Plan, released in December 2006 for the period 2007-2012, includes projections for power, roads and bridges, telecommunications, railways, irrigation, water supply and sanitation, ports, airports, storage, and gas. U.S. exporters that supply goods and services related to these sectors will find many opportunities in the Indian market.

Ex-Im Bank and the U.S. Commercial Service in India have identified and published on this web site potential sales opportunities that may be of interest to U.S. exporters. In addition, you may download and view Ex-Im Bank's India Export Opportunities brochure PDF for more information about how your company can help satisfy India's growing need for quality U.S. goods and services.

Ex-Im Bank Financing Programs in India

Ex-Im Bank is open in the short-, medium-, and long-term in India offering direct loans and loan guarantees to support U.S. exports. In April 2008, Ex-Im Bank's Board of Directors approved the India Infrastructure Facility (IIF), a $2.45 billion special delegated line of credit involving nine Indian financial institutions. Under this new facility, transactions for infrastructure financing will receive expedited processing.

More information on the IIF.

Ex-Im Bank Financing: General Information

Ex-Im Bank Success Stories in India

Reliance Petroleum Project

Bhopal Medical College

National Aviation Company of India (NACIL)

New MRI Scanner

Demineralization System

News about Ex-Im Bank in India

Ex-Im Bank Extends $548.6 Million in Loan Guarantees to Support Boeing Aircraft Exports to India (September 19, 2008) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/7B830884-0F76-F06E-DCE9E37C5AA57F25/

Ex-Im Bank Finances U.S. Exports to Reliance Industries Ltd. for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in India's Bay of Bengal (August 28, 2008) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/0A0ED7D0-C55A-04D3-A9C708E2214F975B/

Ex-Im Bank Approves ICICI Bank for Indian Infrastructure Facility (July 25, 2008)

Ex-Im Bank Approves First Transaction Under India Infrastructure Facility Supporting U.S. Exports For Bhopal Medical College (April 16, 2008) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/58E645FF-CABD-7ABE-7AE1D692273D5A8B/

Ex-Im Bank Approves $2.2 Billion Facility to Support U.S. Dollar-Denominated Export Transactions to Indian Infrastructure Projects (April 16, 2008) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/58E3DCAF-A463-DE7B-990DA169462D0B2B/

Ex-Im Bank Is Prepared to Help U.S. Exporters Tap Fast-Growing Indian Market (Dec. 21, 2007) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/FDE9BBB7-0147-D6C9-2A1DC0E74CF8FEE9/

Signing of $1.23 Billion Ex-Im Bank Loan Guarantee Signals Growing Importance of Indian Market (Oct. 9, 2007) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/867D564E-FD02-9341-BF942445540C286E/

U.S. Exports to India for $6 Billion Refinery and Petrochemical Complex Are Backed by Ex-Im Bank $500 Million Loan Guarantee (May 16, 2007) http://www.exim.gov/pressrelease.cfm/96BAFB02-FF5F-E172-A39642A705E6C389/

Ex-Im Bank's Mission

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) - the official export credit agency of the United States - supports the purchases of U.S. goods and services by creditworthy international buyers that are unable obtain credit through traditional trade and structured finance sources. Ex-Im Bank does not compete with private sector lenders but provides products that fill in the gaps in areas of trade and structured financing. The Bank assumes country and credit risks that the private sector is unable or unwilling to accept, and helps to level the playing field for U.S. exporters by matching the financing that other governments provide to their exporters. In more than 70 years of operation, Ex-Im Bank has supported more than $400 billion of U.S. exports to international markets.

Last Updated: April 3, 2009





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