Interactive Guide for Small Business Exporters
Extend Credit and Get Paid Obtain Working Capital Provide Buyer Financing

Insurance Brokers

The Export-Import Bank strongly encourages the use of a specialist insurance brokers for exporters who are interested in export credit insurance.

Brokers provide a number of valuable services to existing and prospective policyholders.  Brokers receive their compensation from commissions paid by Ex-Im Bank -- there is no additional charge to you.

To find a specialty broker in your region, click to Active Brokers List.

Services Provided by Brokers

  • Guidance on choosing the policy type that best suits your needs, whether it be an Ex-Im Bank policy or an offering of a private insurance.
  • Guidance with respect to choice of policy parameters, such as premium rates, deductibles, policy exclusions and discretionary credit limits.
  • Assistance when applying for an insurance policy (or buyer credit limit) including review of completeness of financial and non-financial information.  Assistance in using the new EX-IM Online system, that allows application, processing and other functionalities over the internet.
  • Interpretation and guidance with respect to Ex-Im Bank policies (e.g., U.S. content, maximum repayment terms), credit standards and documentation requirements.
  • Assistance in reporting shipments and paying premium, in maintaining insurance-related documents, and in filing claims for losses. 

Updated: April 11, 2007

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Script: Interactive Guide
Script: U.S. Exporter Video