Sources of Information in Transportation
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Statistical Sources

Nancy Bennett, ATR Institute, University of New Mexico

Association of American Railroads. Rail Transportation of Chemicals. Washington, D. C.: AAR, annual.

"This annual publication contains a wide range of current and historical statistical information on the U.S. chemical industry and the rail transportation of chemicals (STCC 28). Data include carloads, tons, revenue, market share, and much more. Data are presented for the U.S. rail industry as a whole and, in many cases, for individual railroads. Most commodity data are available at the 3- or 4-digit STCC level." (AAR website: Internet. Accessed July 2002.

Blower, D.F. and K.L. Campbell. "The Trucks Involved in Fatal Accidents Project." UMTRI Research Review. Volume 27, No. 4,. 1996.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Statistical Policy and Research. Washington, D.C. URL: [Accessed 15 Feb 2001].

Provides data collection, statistical analysis, mapping, and transportation analysis. Discusses commodity classifications and codes and the designation of hazardous cargo in commodity flow statistics.

Hazardous Materials Incident Data and Summary Statistics for Incident Years 1993- 2000. Washington D.C.: The Office of Hazardous Materials Safety Incident Report Form 5800.1. URL: [Accessed 13 Feb 2001].

National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Springfield, VA: U.S. Department of Commerce. URL:

Provides access to government and public sector research and statistical reports dealing with the transportation of hazardous materials.

National Transportation Data Archive. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation. URL: [Accessed 15 Feb 2001].

Statistical data from a variety of US Government agencies related to transportation issues. See also TRANSTATS hazardous materials datasets at Internet. Accessed July 2002.

The National Transportation Statistics (NTS). Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation, annual. 2000 available at: Internet. Accessed July 2002.

Compiled and published annually by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics (NTS) presents detailed national-level data on the U.S. transportation system, its economic performance, safety record, energy use, and environmental impacts.

Transportation Statistics Annual Report (TSAR). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, annual. 1994 to date available at:; Internet, accessed July 2002.

Congressionally mandated review of the extent, use, condition, performance, and consequences of the nation's transportation systems.