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Patent Statistics Reports Available For Viewing
Statistics By Calendar Year, January 1 to December 31

Notes for Users

Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Type of Patent Document

Final Tabulation - Patenting by Organizations Report, Single Year Reports, 1995 to Present

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listings (see the table column labeled "links").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description



2008 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2008 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)




2007 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2007 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)




2006 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2006 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)




2005 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2005 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)




2004 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2004 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)




2003 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2003 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)




2002 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2002 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



2001 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2001 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



2000 Patenting by Organizations Report, 2000 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



1999 Patenting by Organizations Report, 1999 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



1998 Patenting by Organizations Report, 1998 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



1997 Patenting by Organizations Report, 1997 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



1996 Patenting by Organizations Report, 1996 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)



1995 Patenting by Organizations Report, 1995 :
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year. (updated annually)

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Miscellaneous Information

Link with Technological Activity

Most analyses of technological activity that incorporate patent data will focus on the activity of utility patents, also known as "patents for inventions." Since design patents are granted for ornamental designs for articles of manufacture and not for inventions, they are usually perceived to have a lesser relationship with technological activity. Similarly, statutory invention registrations and defensive publications do not convey patent protection to disclosed inventions and may have a lesser relationship with technological activity. Plant patents may or may not disclose an invention resulting from technological activity; however, plant patents are numerically small relative to utility patents and are usually handled and analyzed separately.

Other PTMT Reports

For a description of other available PTMT reports, please view the PTMT Brochure.

Other Sources of USPTO Statistical Data- Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports

Other statistical data relating to patents may be found in the Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports as well as in other documents available at the USPTO Web Site.

Please note that data contained in the Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports are predominantly fiscal year data covering annual periods that extend from October 1 to September 30.

The Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports as well as other patent data on the USPTO Web Site may be accessed from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Home Page (

See also the General Links to USPTO Patent Statistics Pages section, below.

Statistical Data From Other Intellectual Property Offices

For statistical data profiling patenting activity at intellectual property offices outside the United States, the web sites of those offices should be consulted. Please note that patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provide patent protection only within the United States.

File Formats For Viewable and Downloadable PTMT Reports

PTMT reports that are available for downloading are either in Adobe ® Acrobat ® format (".pdf" file extension), in ASCII text format (".txt" file extension), in Microsoft ® Excel ® format (".xl_" file extension), or in HTML Hypertext format (".htm" file extension). Links to free software for viewing and printing PDF files may be obtained at the USPTO Web Site's Document Formats and Viewers page.

Please note that table data in many of the PTMT HTML Hypertext format files can be imported directly into software programs such as Microsoft ® Excel ® for further data manipulation, processing, and formatting for printing.

Frequency of Updating of PTMT Reports

Updates to PTMT General Statistical Reports are usually generated in March/April of each year to incorporate data through December of the previous year. Midyear updates may be generated for some PTMT reports with the update reports containing data through June. These update reports, if generated, are generally available in late July to early August. One exception is the "U.S. Patent Statistics Report", which is fully updated in May/June of each year.

General Links to USPTO Patent Statistics Pages

USPTO Web Pages with Patent Statistics

Patent statistics and links to patent statistics may be found in various areas of the USPTO Web Site. Links to some of those areas can be found at the Links to Miscellaneous USPTO Web Pages With Patent Statistics web page.

Contact Information

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT (formerly TAF Branch)
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313

tel: (571) 272-5600
FAX: (571) 273-0110

web address of PTMT Reports :
ftp location of PTMT materials :

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