Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Preserving Confidentiality and Quality of Tabular Data: Are Safe Data Necessarily Inferior Data?

Slide 1

Lawrence H. Cox, Associate Director
National Center for Health Statistics

Bureau of Transportation Statistics Confidentiality Seminar
Washington, DC
September 17, 2003


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Statistical Disclosure Limitation (SDL) for Tabular Data

Tabular data

  • frequency (count) data organized in contingency tables
  • magnitude data (income, sales, tonnage, # employees, ..) organized in sets of tables


  • there can be many, many, many tables (national censuses)
  • tables can be 1-, 2-, 3-, .........up to many dimensions
  • tables can be linked
  • table entries:  cells (industry = retail shoe stores & location = Washington DC)
  • data to be published:  cell values (first quarter sales for shoe stores in Washington DC = $17M)

What is disclosure?

Count data: disclosure = small counts (1, 2, ...)

Magnitude data: disclosure = dominated cell value


Shoe company # 1: $10M
Shoe company # 2: $6M
Other companies (total): $1M
Cell value: $17M

# 2 can subtract its contribution from cell value and infer contribution of #1 to within 10% of its true value = DISCLOSURE

Cells containing disclosure are called sensitive cells

How is disclosure in tabular data limited by statistical agencies?

  • identify cell values representing disclosure
  • determine safe values for these cells

Example: If estimation of any contribution to within 20% is safe (policy decision), then a safe value above would be $18M

  • traditional methods for statistical disclosure limitation
    • Count data:
      • rounding
      • data perturbation
      • swapping/switching
      • cell suppression
    • Magnitude data:
      • cell suppression

What is cell suppression?

  • replace each disclosure-cell value by a symbol (variable)
  • replace selected other cell values by a symbol (variable) to prevent narrow estimates of disclosure-cell values
  • process is complete when resulting system of equations divulges no unsafe estimates of disclosure-cell values

Some properties of cell suppression:

  • based on mathematical programming
  • very complex theoretically, computationally, practically
  • destroys useful information
  • thwarts many analyses; favors sophisticated users

How does cell suppression addresses data quality?

Cell suppression employs a linear objective function to control oversuppression

Namely, the mathematical program is instructed to minimize:

  • total value suppressed
  • total percent value suppressed
  • number of cells suppressed
  • logarithmic function related to cell values
  • etc.

These are overall (global) measures of data distortion

Further, individual cell costs or capacities can be set to control individual (local) distortion

These are all sensible criteria and worth doing

However, they do not preserve statistical properties (moments)

Moreover, suppression destroys data and thwarts analysis

Slide 3
Controlled Tabular Adjustment (CTA)

  • new method for SDL in tabular data
  • perturbative method–changes, does not eliminate, data
  • alternative to complementary cell suppression
  • attractive for magnitude data & applicable to count data

Original CTA Method (Dandekar and Cox 2002)

  • identify sensitive tabulation cells
  • replace each disclosure cell by a safe value–namely, move the cell value down or up until safety is reached
  • use linear programming to adjust nonsensitive values in order to restore additivity (rebalancing)
  • if second and third steps are performed simultaneously, a mixed integer linear program (MILP) results. MILP is extremely computationally demanding
  • otherwise (most often), the down/up decision is made heuristically, followed by rebalancing via linear programming (LP). LP computes efficiently even for large problems

Slide 4
(Nearly) Actual Example of Magnitude Table with Disclosures

167 317 1284 587 4490 3981 2442 1150 70 (21) 14488
57(1) 1487 172 667 1006 327 1683 1138 46 (7) 6583
616 202 1899 1098 2172 3825 4372 300(40) 787 15271
0 36(10) 0 16(4) 0 0 65 0 140(40) 257
840  2042 3355 2368 7668 8133 8562 2588 1043 36599

Example 1: 4x9 Table of Magnitude Data & Protection Limits for the 7 Disclosure Cells (red)

D 317 1284 D 4490 3981 2442 1150 D 14488
D 1487 172 667 1006 327 1679 D D 6583
616 D 1899 1098 2172 3825 4371 D 787 15271
0 D 0 D 0 0 70 0 D 257
840  2042 3355 2368 7668 8133 8562 2588 1043 36599

Example 1a: After Optimal Suppression: 11 Cells (30%) & 2759 Units (7.5%) Suppressed

167 317 1276 587 4490 3981 2442 1150 91 14501
56 1487 172 667 1006 327 1683 1138 39 6571
617 196 1899 1095 2172 3825 4372 260 797 15232
0 26 0 12 0 0 65 0 180 288
840  2026 3347 2361 7668 8133 8562 2548 1107 36592

Example 1b: After Controlled Tabular Adjustment

167 317 1284 587 4490 3981 2442 1150 70 (21) 14488
57(1) 1487 172 667 1006 327 1683 1138 46 (7) 6583
616 202 1899 1098 2172 3825 4372 300(40) 787 15271
0 36(10) 0 16(4) 0 0 65 0 140(40) 257
840  2042 3355 2368 7668 8133 8562 2588 1043 36599

Example 1: 4x9 Table of Magnitude Data & Protection Limits for the 7 Disclosure Cells (red)

167 317 1276 587 4490 3981 2442 1150 91 14501
56 1487 172 667 1006 327 1679 1138 39 6571
617 196 1899 1095 2172 3825 4371 260 797 15232
0 26 0 12 0 0 70 0 180 288
840  2026 3347 2361 7668 8133 8562 2548 1107 36592

Example 1b: Table After Controlled Tabular Adjustment

167 317 1276 587 4490 3981 2442 1150 91 14501
56 1487 172 667 1006 327 1683 1138  35 6571
617 202 1899 1098 2172 3825 4372 260 787 15232
0 20 0 9 0 0 65 0 194 288
840  2026 3347 2361 7668 8133 8562 2548 1107 36592

Example 1c: Table After Optimal Controlled Tabular Adjustment (Regression)

Slide 5
MILP for Controlled Tabular Adjustment (Cox 2000)

Original data:  nx1 vector a

Adjusted data:  nx1 vector a + y + - y -

T denotes the coefficient matrix for the tabulation equations

Denote  y = y + - y -

Cells i = 1, ..., s are the sensitive cells

Upper (lower) protection for sensitive cell i denoted Pi(-Pi)

MILP for case of minimizing sum of absolute adjustments

summation from lowercase i equals 1 to lowercase n (lowercase y subscript {lowercase i} superscript {negative sign} plus lowercase y subscript {lowercase i} superscript {positive sign})

Subject to:

T (y) = 0

yi- = pi(l-Ii)
yi+ = piIi
          i = 1, ... , s (sensitive cells)

0 ≤ yi- , yi+ ≤ei , i = s+1, ..., n

(nonsensitive cells)

Ii  binary,  i = 1, ..., s

Capacities ei  on adjustments to nonsensitive cells typically

small, e.g., based on measurement error

Slide 6
Data Quality Issues

Based on mathematical programming, just like cell suppression CTA can minimize:

  • total value suppressed
  • total percent value suppressed
  • number of cells suppressed
  • logarithmic function related to cell values
  • etc.

In addition, adjustments to nonsensitive cells can be restricted to lie within measurement error

Still, this may not ensure good statistical outcomes, namely,

analyses on original vs adjusted data yield comparable results

Slide 7
Towards Ensuring Comparable Statistical Analyses

Verification of “comparable results” is mostly empirical

Many, many analyses are possible: Which analysis to choose?

Instead, we focus on preserving key statistics and linear models

  • mean values
  • variance
  • correlation
  • regression slope

between original and adjusted data

Can do this using direct (Tabu) search

I will describe how to do so well in most cases using LP

For simplicity, assume that the down/up decisions for sensitive cells have already been made (by heuristic)

Slide 8
Preserving Mean Values

When the LP holds a total fixed, it preserves the mean of the cell values contributing to the total e.g., fixing the grand total preserves the overall mean

In general, to preserve a mean, introduce (new) constraint: Σ (adjustments to cells contributing to the mean) = 0

A criticism of CTA is that it introduces too much distortion into the values of the sensitive cells

In general the intruder does not necessarily know which cells are sensitive nor cares to analyze only sensitive data, so focusing on distortions to sensitive values may be a bit of a red herring

Still, it is useful to demonstrate how to preserve the mean of the sensitive cell values, as the method applies to preserving the mean of any subset of cells

Preserving the mean of the sensitive cell values is equivalent to constraining net adjustment to zero:

summation from lowercase i equals 1 to lowercase s (lowercase y subscript {lowercase i} superscript {positive sign} minus lowercase y subscript {lowercase i} superscript {negative sign}) equals summation from lowercase i equals 1 to lowercase s (lowercase y subscript {lowercase i}) equals 0

If, as in the original Dandekar-Cox implementation, we allow only two choices for yi , this is unlikely to be feasible

However, satisfying this constraint is not a problem if we simply expand the set of possible y-values viz., if we permit slightly larger down/up adjustments

The MILP is:

min c(y)

Subject to:

T(y) = 0

summation from lowercase i equals 1 to lowercase s (lowercase y subscript {lowercase i} superscript {positive sign} minus lowercase y subscript {lowercase i} superscript {negative sign}) equals 0

pi(l - Ii) ≤ yi- ≤ qi(l - Ii)
       piIi ≤ yi+ ≤ qili          i = 1, ... , s

0 ≤ yi- , yi+  ≤ei   i = s+1, ..., n

 qi are appropriate upper bounds on changes to sensitive cells

c(y) is a linear cost function, typically involving sum of absolute adjustments

If the down/up directions are pre-selected, this is an LP

Slide 9
Preserving Variances

Seek: Var(a + y) _ Var(a), assuming lowercase y bar equals 0

Var(a + y) = Var(a) + 2Cov(a,y) + Var(y)

Define L(y) = Cov(a,y)/Var(a) equals (1 divided by (lowercase s times variance (lowercase a))) times the summation from lowercase i equals 1 to lowercase s times (lowercase a subscript {lowercase i} minus lowercase a bar) times lowercase y subscript {lowercase i}

L(y) is a linear function of the adjustments y

Var(a + y)/Var(a) = 2L(y) + (1 + Var(y)/Var (a))

|Var(a + y)/Var(a) - 1 |=| 2L(y) + (Var(y)/Var(a))|

Var(y) is nonlinear, but can be linearly approximated

Alternatively:  typically Var(y)/Var(a) is small

Thus, variance is approximately preserved by minimizing | L(y) |

The absolute value is minimized as follows:

  * incorporate two new linear constraints in the system:


w ≥ - L(y)

* minimize w

Slide 10
Assuring High Positive Correlation

Seek: Corr(a,a + y) _ 1

Corr (a, a + y) = Cov(a, a + y) ÷ √ Var(a) Var(a + y)

After some algebra,

Corr (a, a + y) = (l + L(y)) ÷ √ Var(a + y) / Var(a)

Again: min | L(y) |  yields a good approximation because it drives both numerator and denominator to one

Slide 11
Assuring Slope of Regression Line(s)

Seek:  under ordinary least squares regression

Y = β1 X + β0

of adjusted data Y = a + y on original data X = a,

we want: β1 _ l and β0 _0

lowercase beta subscript {1} equals covariance (lowercase a plus lowercase y, lowercase a) divided by variance (lowercase a) equals 1 plus uppercase l times (lowercase y), lowercase beta subscript {0} equals (lowercase a bar plus lowercase y bar) minus lowercase beta subscript {1} times lowercase a bar

As lowercase y bar equals  0 , then β0 _ 0 if β1 _ l

This corresponds to L(y) _ 0 (if feasible)

Note again:  this is achieved via min | L(y) |

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The Compromise Solution

Variance is preserved by minimizing L(y)

Correlation is preserved by minimizing L(y)

Regression slope preserved by L(y) _ 0  (if feasible)

All subject to lowercase y bar equals  0  

If Var(y)/Var(a) is small (typical case), imposing objective

function min | L(y) | assures good results simultaneously

  • for variance
  • for correlation
  • for regression slope

Shortcut is to incorporate the constraint L(y) = 0 (if feasible)

Choosing L(y) _ 0  is motivated statistically because it implies (near) zero correlation between values a and adjustments y viz., as solutions  y and  -y are interchangeable, this correlation should be zero

Slide 13

4x9 Table

Original  Table                
167500 317501 1283751 587501 4490751 3981001 2442001 1150000 70000 14490006
56250 1487000 172500 667503 1006253 327500 1683000 1138250 46000 6584256
616752 202750 1899502 1098751 2172251 3825251 4372753 300000 787500 15275510
0 35000 0 16250 0 0 65000 0 140000 256250
840502 2042251 3355753 2370005 7669255 8133752 8562754 2588250 1043500 36606022

Protection Levels  (s(+/-) (+/-)              
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7800
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40000 0
0 10500 0 4875 0 0 0 0 42000

Table 1: 4x9 Table of Magnitude Data and Protection Limits for Its Seven Sensitive Cells (in red)

min Σ | yi |                  
166875 307001 1283751 587501 4490751 3981001 2442001 1150000 91000 14499881
56875 1487000 172500 667503 1006253 327500 1683000 1141875 38200 6580706
616752 202750 1899502 1103626 2172251 3825251 4372753 260000 816300 15269185
0 45500 0 11375 0 0 65000 36375 98000 256250
840502 2042251 3355753 2370005 7669255 8133752 8562754 2588250 1043500 36606022

min  |L-Bnd| (Variance)                  
167500 317501 1283751 587501 4490751 3981001 2442001 1150000 91003 14511009
55625 1487000 172500 667503 1006253 327500 1683000 1146675 38200 6584256
616752 202750 1899502 1098751 2172251 3825251 4372753 260000 787498 15235508
0 18791 0 8125 0 0 65000 0 191756 283672
839877 2026042 3355753 2361880 7669255 8133752 8562754 2556675 1108457 36614445

max L (Corr.)                  
167500 317501 1283751 587501 4490751 3981001 2442001 1129000 91000 14490006
55313 1499637 172500 667503 1006253 327500 1683000 1138250 34300 6584256
616752 202750 1899502 1098751 2172251 3825251 4372753 359884 787500 15335394
937 19250 0 8938 0 0 65000 0 94815 188940
840502 2039138 3355753 2362693 7669255 8133752 8562754 2627134 1007615 36598596

min |L| (Regress.)                  
167500 317501 1276439 587501 4490751 3981001 2442001 1150000 91000 14503694
55625 1487000 172500 667503 1006253 327500 1683000 1138250 34420 6572051
616752 202750 1899502 1106063 2172251 3825251 4372753 260000 787500 15242822
0 19250 0 8938 0 0 65000 0 194267 287455
839877 2026501 3348441 2370005 7669255 8133752 8562754 2548250 1107187 36606022

Table 2: Original Table After Various Controlled Tabular Adjustments Using Linear Programming to Preserve Statistical Properties of Sensitive Cells Only

Slide 14
Results for 4x9 Table

Summary: 4x9 Table Linear Programming

Sensitive Cells Corr. Regress. Slope New Var. / Original Var.
min | yi | 0.98 0.82 0.70
min |L-Bound| (Var.) 0.95 0.93 0.94
max L (Cor.) 0.97 1.20 1.52
min |L| (Reg.)* 0.95 0.93 0.95

All Cells Corr. Regress. Slope New Var. / Original Var.
All 4 Functions 1.00 1.00 1.00

Table 3: Summary of Results of Numeric Simulations on 4x9 Table Using Linear Programming

* = compromise solution

Slide 15
Results for 13x13x13 (Dandekar) Table

Summary:   13x13x13 Table Linear Programming

Sensitive Cells Corr. Regress. Slope New Var. / Original Var.
min | yi | 0.995 0.96 0.94
min |L-Bound| (Var.) 0.995 1.00 1.00
max L (Cor.) 0.995 1.00 1.21
min |L| (Reg.)* 0.995 1.00 1.01

All Cells Corr. Regress. Slope New Var. / Original Var.
All 4 Functions 1.00 1.00 1.00

Table 4: Summary of Results of Numeric Simulations on 13x13x13 Table Using Linear Programming

* = compromise solution

Slide 16
Concluding Comments

  • statistical agencies have responsibilities
    • to respondents (to maintain confidentiality)
    • to data users (to deliver high-quality data products)
  • these responsibilities
    • are often in opposition
    • nevertheless, are not mutually exclusive
    • have, in the past, been approached separately
  • research indicates these responsibilities can be addressed
    • simultaneously
    • using systematic, computationally efficient methods

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