Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Confidentiality Seminar Series
July 2003 Seminar

NOTE: If you wish to attend, please follow the attendance instructions. Direct any questions to Neil Russell (neil.russell@bts.gov).

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 1:30 – 2:30PM

Location: U.S. Department of Transportation Headquarters (Nassif Building), Room 6200

Title: Restricted Data Access: The Role of Research Data Centers (RDC)

Presenters: Arnold Reznek, Research Data Center Administrator, U.S. Bureau of the Census; Kenneth W. Harris, Acting Director, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Vijay Gambhir, RDC, NCHS

Slides: Arnold Reznek PDF (75KB) | HTML (3KB) | PPT (228KB); Kenneth W. Harris and Vijay Gambhir PDF (123KB) | HTML (3KB) | PPT (134KB)

Abstract: The role that RDCs play in gaining access to confidential data at Federal statistic agencies is discussed. This seminar will review the practices of two agencies that have RDCs. The first speaker will describe the development of the RDCs at the Census Bureau. Then the RDC at the NCHS will be featured and the agency’s remote access procedures for gaining access to confidential data will be highlighted.

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