Supporting Free Trade and Environmental Protection

“History shows that as nations become more prosperous, their citizens will demand, and can afford, a cleaner environment.” -- President Bush, August 6, 2002, signing statement for the Trade Act of 2002

Reflecting the importance that the United States places on sustainable development, U.S. trade policy incorporates robust environmental provisions, most notably in the Trade Act of 2002, which provided Trade Promotion Authority, to enhance the mutual supportiveness of trade and environmental policies.

Specifically, in negotiating bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs), U.S. negotiators pursue the following principal negotiating objectives with respect to the environment:

Therefore, the United States negotiates Environment Chapters in each FTA. The obligations contained in the Environment Chapters help ensure that our FTA partners practice effective environmental governance. Alongside FTAs, we also negotiate mechanisms for environmental cooperation that provide a framework for working with our FTA partners to build their capacity to develop, implement, and enforce standards to protect the environment and human health. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) takes the lead in negotiating the FTA Environment Chapters; the State Department leads negotiation and implementation of the environmental cooperation mechanisms, which usually take the form of environmental cooperation agreements or memoranda of understanding or joint statements on the environment.

Status of Trade Agreements and Cooperation Mechanisms

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was the first free trade agreement to be linked to a complementary environmental cooperation mechanism, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation , which entered into force in 1994. Since then, the United States has concluded negotiations for FTAs and associated cooperation mechanisms with a growing number of countries in Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia , listed at the left.

These environmental cooperation mechanisms generally provide for the creation of an Environmental Cooperation Commission or similar intergovernmental body that meets periodically or as needed to develop a work program and guide cooperative activities under that work program.

Opportunities for Public Input and Participation

The State Department welcomes public input and participation in the development and implementation of these cooperative mechanisms. It encourages interested individuals and private sector organizations, including businesses and not-for-profit organizations, to send an e-mail to the Department's Office of Environmental Policy with comments, suggestions, or to explore public-private partnerships to promote environmental capacity building in countries with which the U.S. has entered into trade agreements.

Environmental Reviews and FTAs under negotiation

In addition to FTAs already concluded, negotiations are underway with South Korea , Malaysia , Panama , Thailand , and the United Arab Emirates . The United States also is negotiating several regional agreements, including the regional negotiations for a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement and with the Southern African Customs Union Further information on the status of those negotiations may be found at the website at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).

For each FTA the United States negotiates, USTR, working with State and other USG agencies, prepares an environmental review to assess the potential environmental impact of the FTA in the United States . Such reviews may also examine global and transboundary impacts. These reviews help to guide U.S. cooperation with our FTA partners. Email a suggestion for future cooperative priorities and activities with these partners are also welcome.

World Trade Organization and Environment

The World Trade Organization (WTO) launched negotiations as part of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) on certain aspects of the trade and environment linkage . The State Department's Office of Environmental Policy participates in the interagency process led by USTR on U.S. policy on trade and environment issues at the WTO.

Environment Cooperation Successes

Through promoting cooperative environmental activities with its trading partners, the U.S. has already seen a number of tangible outcomes come from joint efforts throughout the world. For example, in the CAFTA-DR region, the Administration currently is implementing approximately $20 million in cooperative environmental projects. The Administration also implements cooperative environmental projects with our other FTA partners, including Chile, Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman and Singapore.


  (Includes Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the United States)
Communiqué of the Environmental Affairs Council of the Dominican Republic- Central America- United States Free Trade Agreement
(July 24, 2007)
CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation Successes
(August 15, 2007)
 U.S. - CAFTA-DR Environment Chapter
  (August 4, 2004)
 Work Plan 
  (July 19, 2006)
 Communique of the Environmental Affairs Council
  Secretariat for Environmental Matters
 U.S. - CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation Agreement
  (February 18, 2005)
 Environmental Review of U.S - CAFTA-DR
  (February 2005)
 Email Comments
 U.S.-Chile FTA Environment Chapter
  (Signed June 6, 2003, in force January 1, 2004)
 Environmental Review of U.S.-Chile FTA
  (June 2003)
 U.S.-Chile Environmental Cooperation Agreement
  (June 17, 2003)
 Work Program
  (February 2005)
 Work Program 2007 - 2008
  (April 2007)
 CONAMA (Chilean National Commission for the Environment)
News Releases
  President Bush Signs Chile, Singapore FTAs
  Remarks by Under Secretary Dobriansky at the Signing of Agreement
  Media Note: The United States and the Republic of Chile on the Signing of an Environmental Cooperation Agreement
News Releases on the Meeting of the U.S. Chile Environment Affairs Council
  Joint Declaration of the Second Meeting of the U.S. - Chile Free Trade Agreement
  Additional Documents related to Joint Declaration of Second Meeting of the U.S.- Chile Free Trade Agreement
  Joint Declaration of the Third Meeting of the U.S.-Chile Council (October 2006)
  Joint Press Statement Issued by Chilean and U.S. Delegation at the End of the Third Meeting of the Council and the Second Meeting of the Joint Environmental Cooperation Commission (October, 2006)
  Email Comments
 U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) Environment Chapter
 Interim Environmental Review of U.S.-Andean FTA
  (February, 2005)
 Colombian Ministry of Environment
 Email Comments
 U.S.-Peru TPA Environment Chapter
  (April 12, 2006)
 Interim Environmental Review of U.S.-Andean TPA
  (February, 2005)
 U.S.- Peru ECA
  (July 26, 2006)
 Peru National Council of Environment
 Email Comments

Middle East

 U.S.-Bahrain FTA Environment Chapter
  (June 2004)
 Environmental Review of U.S.-Bahrain FTA
  (September 2004)
 U.S.-Bahrain Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation
  (September 14, 2004)
  2006-2008 Plan of Action Pursuant to the U.S.-Bahrain Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation
 Email Comments
 U.S.-Jordan FTA Environment Chapter
  (January 2002)
 Environmental Review of U.S.-Jordan FTA
 U.S.-Jordan Joint Statement on Environmental and Technical Cooperation
  (January 2002)
 U.S. - Jordan Action Plan
  (September 2004)
 Jordan Ministry of Environment
Supporting Wildlife Rescue Centers
 Email Comments
 U.S.-Morocco FTA Environment Chapter
  (June 15, 2004)
 Environmental Review of U.S.-Morocco FTA
  (July, 2004)
 U.S.-Morocco Joint Statement on Environmental Cooperation
  (June 28, 2004)
 Work Program
  (March 2006)
 Moroccan Ministry of Environment
 Email Comments
 U.S.- Oman FTA Environmental Chapter
  (January 19, 2006)
 U.S.- Oman FTA Environmental Review
  (February, 2006)
 U.S.- Oman Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation
  (February 26, 2006)
 2006-2008 Work Program Pursuant to the U.S.- Oman Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation
 Oman Environment Ministry
 Email Comments


 U.S.-Australia FTA Environmental Chapter
  (July 2004)
 Environmental Review of U.S.-Australia FTA
  (July 2004)
 U.S.-Australia Joint Statement on Environmental Cooperation
  (May 18, 2004)
 Australian Department of the Environment
 Email Comments
 U.S.-Singapore FTA Environmental Chapter
  (May 6, 2003)
 Environmental Review of U.S.-Singapore FTA
  (June 2003)
 U.S.-Singapore Memorandum of Intent on Environmental Cooperation (2005 - 2007)
  (June 13, 2003)
 U.S.-Singapore Plan of Action for Environmental Cooperation (2008 - 2010)
        (October 30, 2007)
 Singapore Environment Ministry
 News Releases
  President Bush Signs Chile, Singapore FTAs
  Remarks by Under Secretary Dobriansky at signing of Singapore FTA
  Media Note: Joint Statement on the Signing of Memorandum of Intent between the United States and the Republic of Singapore on Environmental Matters
  Photos of signing of Memorandum of Intent between the United States and the Republic of Singapore on Environmental Matters
 Email Comments