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Requests for Proposals

To submit a RFP or RFI, contact Sabrina McGowan at

Agency: Metropolitan Transportation Commission
RFP: IntelliDriveSM Technology for High-Occupancy/Toll (HOT) Lane Operations 
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) invites your firm to submit a proposal to perform the following tasks: 1) Prepare a white paper to identify specific concepts that are feasible for, and would benefit from, field testing of IntelliDriveSM technology for High-Occupancy/Toll (HOT) lane operations. 2) Plan and coordinate an open-forum workshop for industry and public agencies to discuss the findings from the white paper. The RFP release date is April 30, 2009. Proposals are due by 2 p.m. on May 29, 2009.  Visit for proposal requirements, key dates and additional information. Fax inquiries may be sent to Janet Banner at 510-817-5848 or e-mail inquiries to
Agency: U.S. DOT
RFP: Public Comments on ITS Program
ITS America is pleased to draw your attention to a Request for Information (RFI) developed by the US Department of Transportation's ITS Program and accessible in the Federal Register by clicking here. The intent of this RFI is to solicit public comments on the proposed direction, goals, and objectives for the multi-modal ITS Program over the next five years. The content of the RFI represents the US DOT's current thinking on the next strategy for ITS Program research, a strategy that is under development and will be reflected in an ITS Program Strategic Plan that is expected to be completed in October 2009. The RFI is available for public comment from today through May 20th.
ITS America encourages you to respond to the RFI and share your comments with our Coordinating and Policy and Business Councils, care of Tom Kern at The Councils also will be preparing their views on behalf of ITS America and its members to submit to the US DOT. Let us know what you think so that we can incorporate your suggestions!
Agency: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
RFP: The Design, Construction and Installation of Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) and Dynamic Message Signs (DMS)
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is seeking qualifications from Design-Build teams for the design, construction and installation of Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) and Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) in various locations throughout MDOT's North and Superior Regions, and installation of a dynamic lane control sign system at the Mackinac Bridge toll plaza. 
An industry meeting will be held on May 4, 2009 in Lansing, Michigan, and will serve as an opportunity to learn more about the project and have questions addressed. Statements of Qualifications must be submitted by May 15, 2009. Shortlisted teams will be requested to submit technical proposals and bids as part of a "best value" selection process. For a copy of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ), as well as periodic updates and contact information, visit MDOT's website at
Agency: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
RFP: Performance of Expert Professional Program Management Services for the Port Authority’s All-Electric Tolling Program as Requested
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is seeking to identify firms interested in responding to a Request for Proposals to provide expert professional services for the provision of program management services for the Port Authority’s All-Electronic Tolling Program as requested on an “as needed” basis during 2009-2011.   
The RFP and its associated documents can be downloaded directly at or you may request a copy by e-mail to: Please reference RFP Number: 18102 in the subject line on all requests and include the following information in your e-mail: firm name, contact person, e-mail address, mailing address and telephone number. If you have any technical problems accessing the proposal documents online, email us a or call (212) 435-3905 for assistance. Joint Ventures/Teams are acceptable.
It is currently anticipated that proposals shall be due by 2:00 PM on May 11, 2009 or as otherwise indicated in the document. Responses must have the RFP Number and full legal name of the proposing firm clearly indicated on the outside package. Send Proposal(s) to: The Port Authority of NY & NJ, Attn: Bid/RFP Custodian, Procurement Department, One Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10010.
Agency: European Commission
CFP: European Transport Infrastructure Projects
The European Commission has launched the 2009 TEN-T Calls for Proposals, making nearly €1 billion (US$1.32 billion) of financing available for European transport infrastructure projects. This year's Calls include a €500 million call in the framework of the Commission's European Economic Recovery Plan, aimed at giving an immediate boost to the European economy by accelerating investments in infrastructure. In addition, there will be funding opportunities under the TEN-T Annual Programme and Multi-Annual Programme, whose priorities in this Call include Motorways of the Sea, Intelligent Transport Systems for Road, and the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA), which manages the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme, is responsible for the management of the calls for proposals and the evaluation of project proposals submitted on behalf of its 'parent', DG Energy and Transport.
Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for transport, noted "I am convinced that stimulating economic demand with an ambitious programme of European infrastructure is one of the most tangible, rapid and efficient responses that we can give to today's economic crisis. This programme is TEN-T, and its implementation will ensure job security for many Europeans in important sectors such as construction, which is, and always has been, a major employer and contributor to GDP. For this reason, the Commission, in the framework of the European Economic Recovery Plan, has decided to bring forward €500 million of funds as part of this year's TEN-T funding opportunities."
This year's Calls for Proposals have been established under three separate work programmes:
1. €500 million of TEN-T funds have been brought forward under the European Economic Recovery Plan, as a response to the economic and financial crisis facing Europe. This ad hoc work programme, adopted this year, supports works which can start in 2009 or 2010 and be largely implemented over this two-year period.
2. The Multi-annual Work Programme aims to finance the highest priorities of the TEN-T network. This year's Call focuses on three fields:
  • Motorways of the Sea (TEN-T Priority Project 21), providing viable alternatives for congested roads by shifting freight to sea routes: maximum €30 million
  • European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS), harmonising European rail signalling systems: maximum €240 million
  • Intelligent Transport Systems for Roads (ITS Roads), using the integration of information and communications technology to create more efficient and safer road transport: maximum €100 million
3. The flexible Annual Work Programme (€140 million) complements the efforts developed under the Multi-annual Work Programme. It includes an amount of €60 million for the Loan Guarantee Instrument, which represents the Commission's annual contribution. It will be made available to the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Potential applicants are invited to submit proposals by 15 May 2009, which will be evaluated on their relevance to TEN-T priorities and policy objectives, their maturity, their impact - particularly on the environment and their quality in terms of completeness, clarity, soundness and coherence.
TEN-TEA is also planning to host an Info Day on 22 April 2009 in Brussels which will provide more information about the Calls and the evaluation process. Further information can be found at:

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