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RCRA Brownfields Overview

The RCRA Brownfields Prevention Initiative was launched on June 11, 1998, with the goal of encouraging the reuse of potential RCRA Brownfields so that the land better serves the needs of the community either through more productive commercial or residential development or as greenspace. A potential RCRA Brownfield is a RCRA facility or portion of a RCRA facility that is not in full use, where there is redevelopment potential, and where reuse or redevelopment of that site is slowed due to real or perceived concerns about actual or potential contamination, liability, and RCRA requirements.

The RCRA Brownfields Prevention Initiative seeks to capitalize on the redevelopment of potential RCRA Brownfields to achieve successful cleanup and long-term sustainable reuse of these sites. Through the Brownfields programs, EPA is seeking to promote the reuse of industrial sites rather than use valuable farmland or other open "greenfields" for economic development. The benefits of the Initiative include the preservation of these greenfields, the cleanup of contamination, the revitalization of communities blighted by brownfields and increased greenspace in communities.

EPA has undertaken several efforts that enhance its RCRA Brownfields Prevention goals. Many of these projects are presented on this website (see Topics) including information on RCRA Brownfields Pilots, RCRA Targeted Site Effort Projects, development of guidance, a calendar of events, recent papers and presentations, factsheets and other items.

The RCRA Brownfields (RCRA BF) Prevention Initiative is part of EPA's overall Brownfield Initiative.

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