Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 9a. Ton-miles of Commodity Flows for Selected Mode of Transportation by State of Origin: 2002

(Millions of ton-miles)

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State of origin Total1 Truck Rail Water Air (including truck and air)
Alabama 60,813 30,505 27,321 S S
Alaska 7,690 859 3,739 S 46
Arizona 16,122 11,189 2,748 S S
Arkansas 37,916 24,384 7,386 2,587 36
California 166,862 114,225 22,836 S 933
Colorado 60,908 18,159 35,385 S
Connecticut 5,255 4,348 368 15
Delaware 3,623 2,506 614 43 S
District of Columbia 34 31 S S
Florida 61,074 40,866 17,082 S 337
Georgia 68,310 51,362 14,483 S 108
Hawaii - 127 108 12
Idaho 20,561 11,359 8,367 S 21
Illinois 167,342 65,577 33,676 46,489 177
Indiana 82,601 41,147 28,614 4,294 S
Iowa 107,728 29,198 S 11,112 S
Kansas 44,857 23,549 18,861 S 35
Kentucky 99,630 28,648 55,166 11,999 26
Louisiana. 131,293 S 25,986 55,069 6
Maine. 10,590 6,712 3,341 S S
Maryland 15,140 11,547 2,997 S 34
Massachusetts. 14,077 11,787 S S 64
Michigan 68,679 37,503 10,362 7,908 106
Minnesota. 154,321 33,195 34,611 45,275 75
Mississippi. 38,333 24,986 6,523 4,808 12
Missouri 72,910 36,478 18,270 12,255 92
Montana 61,984 4,814 54,069 68
Nebraska 33,226 14,059 18,869 8
Nevada 8,695 5,477 2,924 S
New Hampshire. 4,773 3,711 S S 10
New Jersey 41,341 26,997 3,853 2,891 S
New Mexico 10,453 3,917 5,897 S 5
New York 55,284 36,866 4,458 34 S
North Carolina 47,088 39,049 6,640 S 94
North Dakota 20,709 5,398 14,353 S S
Ohio 127,152 68,483 35,823 8,274 173
Oklahoma 26,981 14,114 9,328 1,072 S
Oregon 48,620 18,403 25,202 158 S
Pennsylvania 90,300 47,782 26,829 S 79
Rhode Island 2,815 2,297 S S S
South Carolina 32,484 24,299 7,428 S 31
South Dakota 17,776 5,533 11,868 17
Tennessee. 54,491 34,692 9,821 S S
Texas. 229,846 92,708 73,307 28,590 229
Utah 38,046 17,857 17,995 S
Vermont 3,296 2,217 827 S
Virginia 44,113 23,392 18,637 166 39
Washington 46,724 19,452 14,516 3,931 S
West Virginia. 78,437 7,602 57,866 S 1
Wisconsin. 70,753 34,949 22,347 S 65
Wyoming 421,230 5,740 374,875 S

– Represents data cell equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure.
S Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality.

1 "Total" include shipments by other modes not separately listed on this table, such as pipeline and multimodal shipments such as parcel, postal and courier; truck and rail; truck and water; rail and water; other multiple combinations, and unknown modes. Hence the sum of the four modes shown here will not equal the total.

NOTES: The appendices provide information on confidentially protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions. Links to this information on the Internet may be found at www.census.gov/cfs.
Coverage for the 2002 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) differs from the previous surveys due to a change from the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System to the 1997 North American Industry Classification System and other survey improvements. Therefore, data users are urged to use caution when comparing 2002 CFS estimates with estimates from prior years.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, Individual States Data, May 2005.

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