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publications > open file report > OFR-00-327 > table 3

Regional Geochemistry of Metals in Organic-Rich Sediments, Sawgrass and Surface Water, from Taylor Slough, Florida

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If you would like to review this table in its entirety, the excel file has been provided. Download Table 3 excel file.

Table 3. Quality control for the inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry analysis of organic-rich sediment material.
Laboratory number LLD1 2 0.005 10 8 1 1 10 0.005
Element Ag, ppm Al, % As, ppm Au, ppm Ba, ppm Be, ppm Bi, ppm Ca, %
Mean 3.1 6.3 43 -- 805 2.7 -- 0.55
%RSD2 22% 2% 11% -- 3% 18% -- 4%
Target Value3 3.1 6.09 37 0.345 764 2.4 1.33 0.58
% Difference4 1.4 2.2 17% -- 5.3% 13% -- -5%
C-100587 SAR-M5 3.0 6.1 39 <8 781 2.0 <10 0.53
C-100595 SAR-M5 2.0 6.1 38 <8 788 2.0 <10 0.53
C-100610 SAR-M5 3.0 6.4 45 <8 818 3.0 <10 0.56
C-100622 SAR-M5 3.0 6.3 49 <8 807 3.0 <10 0.58
C-100636 SAR-M5 3.0 6.4 50 <8 838 3.0 <10 0.57
C-100650 SAR-M5 4.0 6.2 41 <8 789 3.0 <10 0.55
C-100665 SAR-M5 4.0 6.3 40 <8 813 3.0 <10 0.56
Laboratory number LLD1 2 5 2 2 2 2 0.005 4
Element Cd, ppm Ce, ppm Co, ppm Cr, ppm Cu, ppm Eu, ppm Fe, % Ga, ppm
Mean 3.7 122 11 89 340 -- 4.30 23
%RSD2 13% 4% 7% 11% 3% -- 3% 12%
Target Value3 4.8 120 11 101 320 0.67 3.2 20
% Difference4 -23% 2% 0% -12% 6.3% -- 4.4 14%
C-100587 SAR-M5 3.0 116 10 93 325 <2 3.22 23
C-100595 SAR-M5 3.0 122 10 88 329 <2 3.26 18
C-100610 SAR-M5 4.0 125 11 67 342 2 3.38 23
C-100622 SAR-M5 4.0 125 12 91 351 2 3.47 26
C-100636 SAR-M5 4.0 126 12 97 350 <2 3.44 26
C-100650 SAR-M5 4.0 116 11 93 334 2 3.36 22
C-100665 SAR-M5 4.0 125 11 92 350 <2 3.40 22
Laboratory number LLD1 4 0.005 2 2 0.005 4 2 0.005
Element Ho, ppm K, % La, ppm Li, ppm Mg, % Mn, ppm Mo, ppm Na, %
Mean -- 3.10 54 34 0.457 5450 13.0 1.20
%RSD2 -- 9% 3% 6% 3% 2% 7% 2%
Target Value3 1.7 2.9 61 30 0.5 5200 12 1.19
% Difference4 -- 5.9% -11% 13.3% -4.0% 4.8% 13.1% -0.8%
C-100587 SAR-M5 <4 3.13 51 32 0.462 5280 12.0 1.16
C-100595 SAR-M5 <4 3.19 56 32 0.467 5330 13.0 1.17
C-100610 SAR-M5 <4 3.23 56 37 0.488 5440 13.0 1.23
C-100622 SAR-M5 <4 3.20 55 34 0.485 5520 14.0 1.19
C-100636 SAR-M5 <4 3.22 56 36 0.499 5530 15.0 1.20
C-100650 SAR-M5 <4 3.18 53 33 0.473 5450 14.0 1.16
C-100665 SAR-M5 <4 2.49 54 34 0.485 5590 14.0 1.16

Note: This is a continuation of table above.

Laboratory number LLD1 4 9 3 0.005 4 2 5
Element Nb, ppm Nd, ppm Ni, ppm P, % Pb, ppm Sc, ppm Sn, ppm
Mean 35 55 43 0.100 1020 8 --
%RSD2 13% 9% 3% 3% 3% 11% --
Target Value3 31 51 41 0.08 960 8.3 9.4
% Difference4 15.2% 8.7% 3.8% -13.6% 6.1% -0.2% --
C-100587 SAR-M5 33 46 41 0.067 984 7 <5
C-100595 SAR-M5 27 51 42 0.068 994 7 <5
C-100610 SAR-M5 39 58 42 0.070 1050 9 6
C-100622 SAR-M5 39 58 44 0.072 1030 9 <5
C-100636 SAR-M5 39 58 44 0.072 1050 9 <5
C-100650 SAR-M5 34 59 42 0.068 990 8 5
C-100665 SAR-M5 39 58 43 0.067 1030 9 <5
Laboratory number LLD1 2 40 6 0.005 100 2 2
Element Sr, ppm Ta, ppm Th, ppm Ti, ppm U, ppm V, ppm Y, ppm
Mean 147 -- 19 0.293 -- 66 30
%RSD2 3% -- 8% 16% -- 3% 9%
Target Value3 156 1.3 18 0.35 2.6 66 33
% Difference4 -5.8% -- 4.0% -3.1% -- -0.4% -9.5%
C-100587 SAR-M5 141 <40 17 0.302 <100 62 28
C-100595 SAR-M5 142 <40 18 0.298 <100 64 25
C-100610 SAR-M5 148 <40 20 0.359 <100 68 31
C-100622 SAR-M5 148 <40 19 0.363 <100 67 31
C-100636 SAR-M5 150 <40 21 0.350 <100 68 33
C-100650 SAR-M5 149 <40 17 0.354 <100 65 29
C-100665 SAR-M5 151 <40 19 0.348 <100 66 32

Note: This is a continuation of table above.

Laboratory number LLD1 1 2
Element Yb, ppm Zn, ppm
Mean 3 990
%RSD2 15% 3%
Target Value3 3.2 890
% Difference4 2.7% 11.5%
C-100587 SAR-M5 3 965
C-100595 SAR-M5 3 938
C-100610 SAR-M5 3 1020
C-100622 SAR-M5 3 1010
C-100636 SAR-M5 4 1020
C-100650 SAR-M5 3 970
C-100665 SAR-M5 4 1010

1 LLD, lower limit of analytical determination (ppm or percent).
2 Percent relative standard deviation.

3 Value considered most acceptable by USGS quality control staff.

4 Percent difference between mean and target values. Anything >20% must be interpreted with caution.

5 Analytical value for USGS blind, standard reference materials.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: 17 March, 2005 @ 02:43 PM (KP)