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US Forest Service
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Washington, D.C.

(800) 832-1355

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Hosted Programs


Hosted programs are partnerships between the Forest Service and other parties, either within or outside of the Federal government, where the primary purpose is for the Forest Service to provide a host site for the partners job training program. The Forest Service hosts a variety of programs under this heading which provide a multitude of benefits to both parties. Benefits to outside partners include opportunities for their clients to gain and develop important job skills, while the Forest Service benefits from the accomplishment of many important tasks related to its mission of caring for the land.

Examples of partnerships that fall under the hosted program title include:

  • A crew of teen-age youth enrolled in a summer job training program sponsored by a private-non profit youth serving organization who maintain trails, improve wildlife habitat, and build fences for 10 weeks during the summer.
  • A crew of adults who were displaced from their work by the Flood of 96 sponsored by a Federal job training program who repair recreational facilities damaged by the flood.
  • A low income senior citizen enrolled in a Federal job training program who gains work skills while working at the front desk of the local Ranger Station, and who goes on to become gainfully employed at a local business.

Hosted programs and partnerships are one of the many important ways the Forest Service connects and interacts with the many communities we serve across the nation.

Key partnerships exist with the Student Conservation Association and many of the state and local conservation corps who are members of the CorpsNetwork.


US Forest Service
Last modified June 25, 2008

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.