Fisheries & Ecological Services
Alaska Region   


Anchorage Fish & Wildlife Field Office
Outreach & Education

Habitat Restoration Activities

Habitat Restoration specialists in our office have facilitated a variety of projects that inform the public about the values of fish and wildlife and low-impact methods of access, use, or development. Examples include:

Streambank Restoration Willow Guide
Feltleaf willow. USFWS The Coastal Program partnered with the Kenai Watershed Forum to produce a willow identification guide to the species commonly used for streambank restoration in southcentral Alaska. Due to the cryptic nature of willow taxonomy, some past restoration efforts in Alaska failed when incorrect species were used. Featuring high quality botanical illustrations, this guide provides agency specialists, contractors, and landowners with information necessary to identify and select the proper species of willow for habitat restoration projects. The Coastal Program also sponsored a willow identification workshop for more than 50 representatives of federal and state agencies, non-government organizations, private consultants, and members of the public.

Alaska Sea Duck Curriculum Development
Sea Ducks of Alaska Activity Guide Cover. USFWS The Coastal Program has provided support for the Center for Alaska Coastal Studies of Homer, Alaska to develop a hands-on Sea Ducks of Alaska Activity Guide offering activities that explore the unique adaptations of sea ducks and their role in the marine and fresh water food webs. This guide provides information on, and an opportunity to research, each of the 15 species found in Alaska, and looks at some of the conservation issues surrounding the health of the sea duck populations in Alaska. A set of 8 species identification cards is included for class research projects and a set of 12 "Sea Duck Trading Cards" is included with the supplement.

Invasion of the Salmon Snatchers Public Service Announcements
Illegal stocking of northern pike is becoming more and more of a problem in Southcentral Alaska because they prey on juvenile salmon. The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program has collaborated with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to provide information and education materials to the public, in the form of public service announcements, to control and prevent the spread of non-indigenous northern pike and other invasive fish species in Alaskan waters.


Last updated: July 31, 2008