Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 714.16(e) Amendments Under 37 CFR 1.312, Entry in Part [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

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714.16(e) Amendments Under 37 CFR 1.312, Entry in Part [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

714.16(e) Amendments Under 37 CFR 1.312, Entry in Part [R-3]

The general rule that an amendment cannot be entered in part and refused in part should not be relaxed, but when, under 37 CFR 1.312, an amendment, for example, is proposed containing a plurality of claims or amendments to claims, some of which may be entered and some not, the acceptable claims or amendments should be entered in the application >if the application is a paper file<. If necessary, the claims should be renumbered to run consecutively with the claims already in the case. The refused claims or amendments should be canceled in lead pencil on the amendment. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual.

The examiner should then submit a Response to Rule 312 Communication form PTO-271 recommending the entry of the acceptable portion of the amendment and the nonentry of the remaining portion together with his or her reasons therefor. The claims entered should be indicated by number in this response. Applicant may also be notified by using form paragraph 7.86.

¶ 7.86 Amendment Under 37 CFR 1. 312 Entered in Part

The amendment filed on [1] under 37 CFR 1.312 has been entered-in-part. [2]

Examiner Note

When an amendment under 37 CFR 1.312 is proposed containing plural changes, some of which may be acceptable and some not, the acceptable changes should be entered. An indication of which changes have and have not been entered with appropriate explanation should follow in bracket 2.

Handling is similar to complete entry of a 37 CFR 1.312 amendment.

Entry in part is not recommended unless the full additional fee required, if any, accompanies the amendment. See MPEP § 607 and § 714.16(c).

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