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Significant Activities: July 2004 (PDF) (231Kb, 8pp, About PDF)

Significant Activities Report:
July 2004

Lake Superior Day

The second annual Lake Superior Day was held at Wisconsin Point (Duluth-Superior Harbor) on Sunday, July 18th. Copies of Lake Superior Day proclamations were displayed at the ceremony. The following governments/ institutions signed proclamations for Lake Superior Day this year:

photo: Members of the Little Eagles youth drumming group from Duluth, MN, sing ceremonial songs during a Lake Superior Day celebration on Wisconsin Point, WI, on July 18, 2004.
Members of the Little Eagles youth drumming group from Duluth, MN, sing ceremonial songs during a Lake Superior Day celebration on Wisconsin Point, WI, on July 18, 2004. Several recipients of the Lake Superior Binational Program's inaugural Environmental Stewardship award listened in the background. (Photo courtesy of Jeff Frey)

Lake Superior Stewardship Awards on display
Lake Superior Stewardship Awards on display

The winners of the Lake Superior Environmental Stewardship Awards were also announced. As part of the $50,000 GLNPO grant to the Lake Superior Forum, the first Environmental Stewardship Awards Program announced seven winners: four from the U.S. and three from Canada. These awards highlight successful efforts to protect and restore Lake Superior. The awards program recognizes the important contributions that individuals, businesses, industry, communities, and First Nations/Tribes have made to protect and restore the natural resources in the Lake Superior basin in the U.S. and Canada.

The U.S. winners include:

The U.S. winners in the Industry and Business category were Minnesota Power and the Pinehurst Inn at Pikes Creek (a tie).

The U.S. winner in the Community/Organization Category was:

The Lake Superior Binational Program consists of a partnership of U.S. and Canadian government agencies, First Nations/Tribes, and citizen stakeholders that work together to protect and restore the natural environment in the Lake Superior basin. The Lake Superior Binational Forum, a volunteer stakeholder group, is funded in the U.S. by GLNPO, and in Canada by Environment Canada. The U.S. coordinator is housed at the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute at Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin.

Contacts: Elizabeth LaPlante, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-2694
or Lissa Radke Sigurd, Olson Environmental Institute Northland College (715) 682-1489

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Lake Michigan Diporeia Survey 

photo: Diporeia (actual size about 1/2 inch)
(actual size about ½ inch

Dr. Thomas Nalepa, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Great Lakes Environmental Laboratory, sampled Lake Michigan from the R/V Lake Guardian, from July 24th through July 27th, looking for the half-inch-long shrimp-like crustaceans, Diporeia hoyi. This GLNPO supported study is documenting the disappearance of this important animal from Lake Michigan. The Diporeia is a small benthic invertebrate that is an important source of food for fish. The Diporeia population has declined severely over the last ten years in southern Lake Michigan. This survey examines the trends in the Diporeia population to better understand population dynamics. This was the fifth year of this investigation. Diporeia abundance is examined in sediments collected using a ponar grab sediment sampler. Samples are collected from approximately 60 stations. The final Diporeia survey will be conducted in August in southwestern Lake Michigan (off of Waukegan, Illinois) home to the last healthy population of Diporeia in the southern part of the Lake.

Contact: Glenn Warren, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 886-2405

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photo: Students collect samples of organisms dwelling in the bottom sediments of Lake Michigan (photo courtesy of William M. Kane)
Students collect samples of organisms dwelling in the bottom sediments of Lake Michigan (photo courtesy of William M. Kane)

The R/V Lake Guardian was on Lake Superior from July 5th through 10th and on Lake Michigan from July 19th to 23rd for weeklong teacher institutes. The courses were designed to teach elementary, middle, and high school educators about the physical, chemical, and biological components of the Great Lakes ecosystem. In an exciting week aboard the R/V Lake Guardian, participants had the opportunity to live and work in the research ship’s scientific labs beside researchers doing hands-on data collection and analysis. The course is also designed to help K-12 educators to integrate Great Lakes concepts into their programs and/or curricula through both field and laboratory sessions aboard the vessel. The classes were taught using a combination of lectures and practical hands-on exercises. The classes were given high marks by the participants. The R/V Lake Guardian has been offered as a floating classroom at low-cost to individual students since 1993. These courses are designed to teach undergraduates, graduate students, or teachers about the physical, chemical, and biological components of the Great Lakes ecosystem.

Contact: George Ison, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-1669

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Limnology Courses Bear Fruit 

In 2003 Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York was given a grant to conduct a limnology course on Lake Ontario in conjunction with EPA Region II. Three papers resulting from this class are being submitted to the Journal of Great Lakes Research:

  1. The Lake Ontario Great Lakes Science Practicum: A model for training limnology students on how to conduct shipboard research in the Great Lakes. Michael R. Twiss , Tom A. Langen , George S. Bullerjahn , and Steven W. Wilhelm , and David C. Rockwell.
  2. Phosphorus bioavailability and plankton distributions in Lake Ontario in the aftermath of Hurricane Isabel, September 2003. Gouvêa, Sandra P., Christyanne Melendez, Matthew Carberry, George S. Bullerjahn, Steven W. Wilhelm, Tom A. Langen, and Michael R.Twiss.
  3. Pelagic bird survey on Lake Ontario following Hurricane Isabel, September 2003: Observations and remarks on methodology. Tom A. Langen, Michael R. Twiss, George S. Bullerjahn, and Steven W. Wilhelm.

One of the authors, Christyanne Melendez, was a GLNPO intern and Dr. Michael Twiss, the lead professor for the limnology course, was a student in the 1993 limnology class aboard the R/V Lake Guardian.

Contact: David Rockwell, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-1373

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Organic Contaminants Survey 

photo: The setting sun reflects off a window onboard the R/V Lake Guardian
The setting sun reflects off a window onboard the R/V Lake Guardian

During the week of July 12th to 17th, Dr. Matt Simcik of the University of Minnesota took samples for trace (ultra-low levels) organic contaminants in Lake Michigan. Water was sampled for a suite of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) including PCBs, PAHs, organochlorine pesticides, toxaphene, PBDEs, PFOS, Mercury and dioxins and furans. Because hydrophobic (avoiding water) contaminants prefer to dissolve in lipids (fat) rather than in water, they tend to bioaccumulate in living organisms (benthic organisms, fish), raising concerns about their impacts on wildlife and human health. This study will produce a coherent data set on HOCs in Lake Michigan waters consistent with measurements currently being made in the air and fish of the Great Lakes. For some of the HOCs (PBDEs and PFOS/PFOA) this data will represent some of the first measurements in the water column of the Great Lakes providing baseline information on water concentrations of these emerging contaminants.

Data from the study will be compared to fish concentration data from the Great Lakes Fish Monitoring program to calculate bioconcentration factors and with air monitoring data from the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network to help understand the exchange of HOCs between the air and water. Because of the very low concentrations of HOCs in the water, large volumes of water must be processed. In this study, Dr. Simcik sampled approximately 800 liters (over 200 gallons) of water from each of five sites in Lake Michigan.

Contact: Melissa Hulting, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 886-2265

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Binational Coordination 

On July 13th and 14th, the Great Lakes Binational Executive Committee (BEC) held its semi-annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois to discuss binational programs being implemented under the terms of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (the Agreement). The BEC serves a crucial role in coordinating a variety of binational commitments in the Great Lakes Basin. Federal, State, Provincial, Tribal and non-governmental observer agency personnel from both the U.S. and Canada met to discuss vital Great Lakes issues including President Bush’s Executive Order on the Great Lakes, the upcoming review of the Agreement, updates on the Great Lakes Integrated Atmospheric Data Network (IADN), the next State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC), and the Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy, as well as informational items on work to coordinate binational monitoring activities. Fruitful, in-depth discussions led to a number of assignments for actions to be completed before the next BEC meeting in December 2004. On the evening of the first day, a farewell reception for Mr. John Mills, the BEC Canadian Co-Chair, was hosted by the Canadian Consul General to Chicago. Mr. Mills, the Regional Director General of the Ontario Region of Environment Canada, is retiring from the federal service.

Contact: Mark Elster, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 886-3857


Great Lakes Mayors Meet 

GLNPO display at International Association of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Mayors Conference
GLNPO display at International Association of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Mayors Conference

The International Association of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Mayors held their annual conference in Chicago, Illinois on July 15th and 16th. Among the highlights of the conference:

GLNPO manned an informational display at the conference, fielding questions and handing out Great Lakes CDs, bookmarks, and magnets to interested visitors.

Contacts: Judy Beck, U.S. EPA - Region 5 (312) 353-3849
or Tony Kizlauskas, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-8773

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Watershed 2004 

Judy Beck, Lake Michigan Team Manager, participated in the National Watershed 2004 Conference in Dearborn, Michigan on July 11th to 14th. The Opening session featured Dennis Schornack, Chairman of the U.S. Section of the International Joint Commission, who outlined the many events currently underway in the Great Lakes. Mike Shapiro from USEPA’s Office of Water presented the re-invigorated watershed vision of the agency which includes the alignment of all programs by watershed. Judy Beck presented a status report on Great Lakes Strategy 2002 and attended the field trip to the Ford Rouge River Complex. The tour covered not only the plant but its stormwater management and green roof. When completed, the Phase 1 Rouge Complex will retain and steadily discharge the precipitation of a 10-year storm over a 15-day period. This watershed will, as closely as possible, emulate the hydraulic and water quality behavior of the area’s natural watershed.

Contact: Judy Beck, U.S. EPA - Region 5 (312) 353-3849

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photo: A sandhill crane at home in a Great Lakes wetland
A sandhill crane at home in a Great Lakes wetland

Fish and Wildlife Goals for AoCs 

On July 21st, GLNPO staff presented “Restoration Planning for Fish and Wildlife in Michigan's Areas of Concern: A Preliminary Assessment and Guidance for Action,” to about 130 Michigan Public Advisory Council members and state and federal agency staff in Monroe, Michigan. The workshop outlined a process for achieving restoration goals and delisting fish and wildlife impairments in Michigan’s Great Lakes Areas of Concern.

Workshop presentations assessed the status of restoration efforts for fish and wildlife in the Areas of Concern and GLNPO staff provided a recommended pathway for establishing measurable targets for fish and wildlife habitat, populations, and benthic communities.

The keynote speaker, Keith Bowers (the current chair of the Society for Ecological Restoration), provided an introduction to the field of ecosystem restoration and outlined practical actions that local groups can take at the watershed level.

Successful local efforts were showcased and opportunities to integrate habitat restoration into other remediation activities were highlighted.

GLNPO staff concluded that AoCs have made progress toward restoring beneficial use impairments — but mostly through individual, small-scale projects. Explicit, AoC-wide site designs are almost absent from the Remedial Action Plan documents and monitoring programs are needed to assess progress toward delisting.

Contacts: Karen Rodriguez, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-2690
or James Schardt, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-5085

Upcoming Events

October 6-8 State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference: Toronto, Canada
November 30 Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy Stakeholder Forum: Chicago, IL


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