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Founded in 2008, the Retail Payments Risk Forum is housed at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. The forum is designed to bring together expertise residing within the Federal Reserve, financial institutions, other industry participants, regulators, and law enforcement. The forum facilitates collaboration among these diverse parties, all of whom share common interests in improved detection and mitigation of emerging risks and fraud in retail payments systems. The forum accomplishes this by providing resources to research issues and sponsor dialogue, with its efforts initially focused on checks and ACH payment systems.

The Retail Payments Risk Forum is a catalyst for collaboration among thought leaders in the retail payments risk management arena to

  • convene interested parties,
  • promote actions to mitigate risk,
  • conduct research and analysis, and
  • provide education.

Please look to this Web site in the future to provide additional relevant information about the detection and mitigation of retail payments risks. For more information about the Forum's efforts or to become involved, please contact us.

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