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What is a dollar worth?

Directions: Enter years as 4 digits (i.e. 1913) through 2009. Enter dollar amount without commas or $ sign in box on first line. Click Calculate button to compute dollar amount shown on second line.

If in (year), I bought
goods or services for $
then in (year), the same
goods or services would cost $

CPI Calculator Information


Addressing the Too Big to Fail Problem,

Gary Stern Testimony before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington D.C., May 6, 2009

The View from the Federal Reserve: Financial Conditions and the Economic Outlook

President Gary H. Stern Speech, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 5, 2009

2008 Financial Statements

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, April 23, 2009
The 2008 financial statements are available as a pre-release to the full 2008 Annual Report.

Federal Reserve System Publishes Annual Financial Statements

Board of Governors, April 23, 2009

Addressing TBTF by Shrinking Financial Institutions: An Initial Assessment

Gary Stern and Ron Feldman, April 17, 2009

Minneapolis Fed President Gary H. Stern Announces Retirement

Search Under Way for Successor, April 2, 2009

Better Late Than Never: Addressing Too-Big-To-Fail

President Gary Stern Speech, Washington D.C, March 31 2009.

Did the CRA cause the mortgage market meltdown?

Two Federal Reserve economists examine whether available data support critics' claims that the Community Reinvestment Act spawned the subprime mortgage crisis—in the latest issue of The Community Dividend.

Recession in Perspective

Compare the length and depth of the current recession with the previous 10 recessions (post-World War II).

Actions to Restore Financial Stability
A summary of recent Federal Reserve initiatives.
Niel Willardson, The Region, December 2008

Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet

Information on policy tools the Federal Reserve has employed to address the financial crisis, including an explanation of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, descriptions of all of the Federal Reserve's liquidity and credit facilities and discussion of the Federal Reserve's risk-management practices.

5 Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure Scams
Offers ways to protect yourself when seeking help with keeping your home.

Foreclosure Resource Center

Information and resources for community groups, lenders, local communities, consumers and others on the Fed's collaborative efforts to facilitate options for workouts in the District.