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III. Our Business Results

Pavement testing at the TFHRC Accelerated Load Facility (ALF).RD&T Challenges, Commitments and Achievements

To guide our business and performance plan, the RD&T Leadership Council’s (LC) vision is to conduct research and provide products and services that are essential, indispensable, and connected to our customers and partners. We are committed to continuing our quality journey (the process that FHWA uses to regularly assess their management practices); initiating program, process, and quality of work-life improvements; conducting outstanding research; and providing services that exceed performance indicators, strategic goals, and customer and partner expectations. The following is a list of our top challenges and some key achievements related to fulfilling them:

I. Effectively Deliver Needed Products and Services

  1. Develop quality research products and services that address the needs of our internal customers and external partners in a timely manner.

  1. Improve R&T collaboration, communication, and feedback from the FHWA Resource Centers and Division Offices.

II. Improve Business and Administrative Processes

  1. Develop and implement a lab assessment process to provide regular, independent feedback to improve the quality of lab services and lab-based research programs.

  1. Effectively use research resources and ensure efficient RD&T facility, organization, and program operations.
  1. Define and implement methodologies/tools to evaluate projects and conduct a performance measurement of TFHRC research.
  1. Advance the information technologies and systems to address the unique needs of a world-class research organization.

III. Develop and Recognize Employees

  1. Mentor and encourage individual development plans (IDP) that build employee skills and add to FHWA research capacities and competencies.
  1. Improve the award and recognition program to value achievements, link directly to team accomplishments, and advance the RD&T Leadership Council Action Agenda.

RD&T developed a list of potential new awards for TFHRC personnel. The Leadership Council has agreed to review the list and to discuss, revise, and approve new monetary and non-monetary methods for recognizing TFHRC personnel.

IV. Communicate the FHWA R&T Story and Future Agenda

  1. Improve the state of FHWA R&T initiatives and focus areas.
  1. Collaborate with FHWA headquarters and field offices to gather and disseminate achievements in FHWA technology and innovation delivery.
  1. Identify national research program priorities, resources, and funding needs with our partners.
  1. Build a common advocacy to enhance the national R&T program and legislative agenda.

RD&T Leadership Council Action Agenda

The Leadership Council oversees the RD&T Quality Journey and implements FHWA’s corporate management strategies. The council also identifies key processes and measures for RD&T; analyzes results of RD&T-wide measures; identifies information gaps; serves as a forum for sharing best practices and lessons learned; and develops and implements action plans. The council uses the annual office self-assessment process to obtain important customer and employee feedback in each of the seven Baldrige categories. This input then is compiled into a crosscutting list of organizational priorities and focus areas for the upcoming FY.

Leadership Council Action Agenda Status & Milestones
Action Item Office Status
A. Leadership
1. Develop and implement R&T legislative agenda and strategy Office of Program Development and Evaluation (HRPD) -Completed-
2. Prepare a concept paper and work plan for advanced research Offices of Safety, Infrastructure, and Operations R&D (HRDS, HRDI, HRDO) -Completed-
3. Prepare a white paper on the FHWA role in R&T HRPD -Completed-
Note: An implementation plan was prepared in response to the TRB Special Report 261, The Federal Role in Highway R&T.
B. Strategic Planning
1. Mobility See RD&T Research Project Status Summary for FY 2002 25 projects completed to support the mobility goal in FY 2002.
2. Safety See RD&T Research Project Status Summary for FY 2002 12 projects completed to support the safety goal in FY 2002.
3. Productivity See RD&T Research Project Status Summary for FY 2002 5 projects completed to support the productivity goal in FY 2002.
4. Human and natural environment See RD&T Research Project Status Summary for FY 2002 3 goal-related projects completed in FY 2002 (See Infrastructure project listing).
5. Security See RD&T Research Project Status Summary for FY 2002 RD&T worked with the AASHTO Transportation Security Task Force to develop a prioritized list of research projects. FHWA is planning to participate in three studies:
1) Rapid Bridge Replacement and Bridge Design;
2) Construction and Retrofit Strategies; and
3) State-of-the-Art Bridge Surveillance Technologies.
C. Human Resources Development and Management
Provide a forum for outreach on work systems, training, security, and morale Office of Resource Management (HRRM) -Completed-
HRRM developed a list of potential new awards for TFHRC personnel. The LC agreed to review the list and discuss, revise, and approve new monetary and non-monetary methods for recognizing TFHRC personnel.
D. Customer and Partner Focus
1. Communicate the FHWA R&T Story HRTS -Redefined for FY 2003-
2. Update and maintain technology facilitation, strategy and action plans HRDI/HRDS/HRDO -Continued in FY 2003-
3. Communicate RD&T Activities (Profiles report, success stories, Innovation Connection, etc.) HRTS -Continued in FY 2003-
Note: Will be redefined and moved to Process Management.
4. Develop a customer feedback plan for RD&T HRPD -Completed-
E. Information & Analysis
Improve the RD&T Web site to enhance customer access
and service
HRTS -Completed-
F. Process Management
1. Administrative key processes    
1. Review procurement planning process, evaluate results, and document improvements HRRM HRRM will continue to participate in the HAAM pilot.
2. Review administrative processes, evaluate results, and document improvements HRRM -Completed-
2. Business Processes    
1. Replace technology and innovation process, evaluate results, and document improvements HRTS -Will be redefined for FY 2003-
Note: Discontinue and replace the Technology Innovation Network (TIN) effort with "Raising the Bar" agency-wide initiative.
2. Develop a TFHRC lab assessment process HRPD -Continued in FY 2003-
3. Complete a process management improvement for FHWA participation in the SBIR process HRPD/ HRRM -Completed-
G. Business Results (Metrics)
1. Develop and implement an RD&T performance evaluation program HRPD -Completed-
See section on Our Business Results—RD&T Challenges, Commitments, and Achievements. Items II.1 (lab assessment), and II.3 (benefits evaluations). See also—Performance Management Framework.
2. Establish and support RD&T information technologies team HRRM -Completed-
Note: RD&T information technology needs analysis will continue in FY 2003 under Information and Analysis.
3. Outreach for Work life Issues HRRM -Completed-

The RD&T Leadership Council
Leadership Council and team leaders

Research Project Status Summary

More than 90 percent of the research projects listed in the 2002/2003 plan currently are on schedule. RD&T will complete more than 70 percent of the projects listed in the plan by the end of 2003.

Of the projects originally scheduled for FY 2002, 37 of 38 were completed. One project on functional requirements for microsimulation-based surrogate safety measures at intersections was cancelled. The use of intelligent snowplows project was rescheduled for FY 2003 because of inadequate snowfall last winter.

Because of external and/or internal factors, 8.6 percent of projects were delayed, overall. Factors contributing to delay include:

# of Occurrences
Equipment-related problems
Budget-related issues
Contractor or technical issues
Project technical issues
Regulatory issues


Pie Chart of Performance Plan Projects FY 2002 to 2005 (and beyond): 90.2% On Schedule, 9% Delayed, .8% Terminated.


RD&T Research Projects-FY'02: 38 Total Projects, 37 on Schedule | FY'03: 48 Total Projects, 41 on Schedule | FY'04: 23 Total Projects, 21 on Schedule | FY'05: 13 Total Projects, 12 on Schedule | Total: 122 Total Projects, 110 on Schedule

Details regarding specific projects and project statuses are available in the Project and Services Status Tables.

RD&T Success Stories

RD&T successfully completed 37 projects during FY 2002 and delivered more than 50 products during FY 2001 to 2002 that support DOT’s strategic goals and FHWA’s performance goals. The following highlights showcase research implemented by FHWA and State DOTs.




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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration