Certificate of Correction file layout

The first field is up to eight positions and contains the "Document Number".

The second field is eight positions and contains the "Publication Date" in a YYYYMMDD format.

The third field is two positions and contains the patent "Kind of Document Code".



0291995 18840122 X6
0291141 18840129 X6
0287288 18840205 X6
6000236 20000404 X6
D398790 20000411 X6
D412399 20000411 X6
PP10563 20000411 X6
PP10724 20000411 X6
RE36204 20000411 X6
4736496 20000411 X6
B5679383 20010529 X6
D376181 20010529 X6
D391656 20010529 X6
D399970 20010529 X6

