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Sustainable Resource Management

National Report on Sustainable Forests--2003.

Read this first-ever accounting of 67 indicators of sustainable forests in the United States. The complete text of the report is available on-line:

Read All About It [link to fs.fed.us/research/sustain]

This link also gives you access to the in-depth Data Repot with detailed background information about each of the indicators.

Request a CD here. [link to http://ncrs.fs.fed.us/tools/wo/]

What Does It All Mean?

What does the information in the National Report mean to you? We invite you to contribute your view to the "Multiple Perspectives Project" sponsored by the Roundtable on Sustainable Forests. To learn about how to participate, click here.

Sustainable Development
e-News (SDe-News)

An online quarterly for commentaries, interviews, and information on events.

Fall 2006

Summer 2006

Spring 2006

Winter 2006

Other links with current information and events:
  • Montreal Process Working Group.

  • UNFF Calendar of international events related to forests. 2003-2006 Maintained by the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF)

  • World Summit on Sustainable Development

    This page contains a variety of information related to WSSD,(August 26 to September 4, 2003), including background information and links to sustainable development websites.


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    USDA Forest Service
    Last modified 31 Jan 2007

    This page printed from: http://www.fs.fed.us/sustained/msie4.html