"Table 4-4 U.S. Public Port Capital Infrastructure Expenditures, 2005",,,,,,,,, (thousands of dollars),,,,,,,,, Region,On-Terminal,,,,Off-Terminal,,,,Total ,Road,Rail,Utilities,Other*,Road,Rail,Utilities,Other**, North Atlantic,$45 ,"$79,741 ","$7,663 ",$8 ,"$3,786 ",0,0,0,"$91,243 " South Atlantic,143,"2,422",782,262,"3,330",0,0,0,"6,939" Gulf,"2,630","1,739","5,554","6,633",493,"2,920","3,304",298,"23,571" South Pacific,156,"8,218",49,"32,590","134,056","1,706","36,026","6,100","218,901" North Pacific,0,0,0,74,566,0,0,0,640 Total,"$2,974 ","$92,119 ","$14,049 ","$39,566 ","$142,231 ","$4,626 ","$39,330 ","$6,398 ","$341,293 " Percent,2.0%,61.9%,9.4%,26.6%,73.9%,2.4%,20.4%,3.3%, ,44%,,,,56%,,,,100% "NOTES: Totals may not add up due to rounding. *On-terminal “other” was defined by survey respondents as storm water, people mover, bridges, trucks, jet array system, and engineering/design. Several ports did not define “other” at all. **Off-terminal “other” was defined by survey respondents as barge unloaded. A number of ports did not define “other” at all. Excludes $33,658,000 in expenditures from two regions (Great Lakes and noncontiguous) that had fewer than three responses each. ",,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of Policy and Plans, personal communication, Aug. 27, 2007.",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,