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NC State University (Lot 86 Farm Unit #1)

NC State University (Lot 86 Farm Unit #1)
EPA ID: NCD980557656
Location: Raleigh, Wake County, NC
Congressional District: 04
NPL Status: Proposed: 10/15/84; Final 06/10/86
Project Manager
Site Repository:
Cameron Village Regional Public Library
1930 Clark Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27605
Documents:About Adobe Portable Document Format

Site Background:
The 1.5 acre North Carolina State University site is located to the north of Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh. The site was used by the North Carolina State University science laboratories and agricultural research facilities as a waste disposal area. From 1969 to 1980, the University disposed of solvents, pesticides, heavy metals, acids, and some low-level radioactive laboratory wastes. The wastes are placed in containers that are buried in 10-foot trenches. Analysis of groundwater from the wells indicates the presence of high levels of organic contamination. The site is completely fenced and is located approximately 100 feet away from any public access point. The closest residence is approximately 2,000 feet away from the site. Approximately 150,000 people live within 41/2 miles of the site. Most of these residents use city-supplied water, which is not contaminated. There are a few residents who use groundwater from private wells, however the remedial investigation / feasibilty study that was completed in September of 1996 revealed that there were no potable private wells affected by the contaminated groundwater plume.

Cleanup Progress: Actual Construction Underway
In-situ mixing and encapsulation of contaminated soils and extraction of contaminated groundwater and treatment via air stripping and carbon adsorption were selected as the final cleanup decision in September 1996. The University signed a Consent Decree with EPA in 1998 to implement the cleanup. Remedial design and field tests proceeded concurrently with Consent Decree negotiations. The University was allowed additional time to evaluate natural attenuation as a viable remedy during the remedial design. Remediation of the soils was completed in October 1999.  The Site achieved construction completion in September 2006, with the implementation of the groundwater remedy.  The  treated groundwater is being sampled on a monthly basis, assuring it’s compliance with the discharge limits set by the NPDES permit.  The Agency completed the second Five Year Review of the the Site in Septmeber 2008. The review found the remedy to still be protective of human health and the environment. The review also confirmed that the components of the remedy were functioning as designed. Site wide sampling is occurring on an annual basis, and is follow by an Annual Groundwater Sampling/ Analysis Report.

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