"Table 7: Percent Changes to 2008 in the Air Travel Price Index, from Each Year Since 1995",,, "(U.S.-Origin Itineraries, Third Quarter to Third Quarter)",,, Percent Change to 3rd Quarter 2008 ,Since 3rd Quarter ...,Duration in Years, 9.9,2007,1, 11.2,2006,2, 19.6,2005,3, 27.2,2004,4, 23.7,2003,5, ,,, 26.3,2002,6, 23.1,2001,7, 19.8,2000,8, 30.0,1999,9, 31.2,1998,10, ,,, 27.8,1997,11, 32.7,1996,12,,,,,,, 30.1,1995,13,,,,,,, Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,