Archived Information

A Study of Charter Schools

First-Year Report

May 1997

Table of Contents

Title page

About This Study



Executive Summary

  1. Charter Schools in Perspective
    1. The Study's Research Focus and the Scope of This Report
    2. Contents of the First Year Report

  2. The State Role
    1. Variations in State Policies
    2. Research Questions About the State Role
    3. Summary

  3. Charter Schools and Their Students
    1. Characteristics of Charter Schools
    2. The Students
    3. Summary

  4. Why Charter Schools Are Started and What Barriers They Encounter
    1. Who Originates Charter Schools
    2. Why Charter Schools Are Founded
    3. What Obstacles and Implementation Problems Do Charter Schools Encounter?
    4. Summary


Appendix A: Overview of the National Study's Research Design

Appendix B: State Legislative Overview

Appendix C: Supplemental Exhibits for Chapter III

Appendix D: Supplemental Exhibits for Chapter IV

Notes for Appendices

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