USDA Forest Service

Alaska Region


Forest Service
Alaska Region

PO Box 21628
Juneau, AK 99802-1628

(907) 586-8806

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Forest Management

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Tongass Expected Timber Purchases
Official Reports
Timber Cut and Sold
Fiscal Year 2009:
    Regional Summaries
Q1 |
    Forest Summaries
Q1 |
Calendar Years:
CY01 | CY02 | CY03
CY04 | CY05 | CY06
CY07 |CY08 |
Fiscal Years:
FY01 | FY02 | FY03
FY04 | FY05 | FY06
FY07 | FY08 |
Timber Volume Under Contract
    Calendar Years:
CY01 | CY02 | CY03
CY04 | CY05 | CY06
CY07 | CY08 |
    Fiscal Years:
FY01 | FY02 | FY03
FY04 | FY05 | FY06
FY07 | FY08 |
    Current Calendar Year Through:
  Jan | Feb |
PTSAR - Accomplishment Reports
FY99 | FY00 | FY01
FY02 | FY03 | FY04
FY05 | FY06 | FY07
FY08 |
Summary Tables
Log Exports and Interstate Shipments
Timber Stand Improvement
  Morse, April 2000(868K DOC)
  Morse, October 2000 (690K DOC)
  Brooks and Haynes, September 1997 (256K PDF)
  Brackley, Rojas, and Haynes, July 2006 (2023K PDF)
  Alexander, January 2008 (140K DOC)
  Brackley, Haynes and Alexander, January 2009. Timber Harvests in Alaska: 1910 - 2006.
Tongass Timber Plan
  Tongass 5 Year Timber Sale Plan (2008-2012)


Timber Valuation
  Timber Valuation Appraisal
Residual Value Quarterly Bulletin (04/01/2009)  
Logging Cost Calculator (04/01/2009)  
OFFICIAL RV Appraisal Application Ver. 04 01 2009  
  Limited Interstate Shipment of Timber
3/14/2007 Memo: Limited Interstate Shipments  
3/13/2007 Memo: Timber Sale Appraisals  
2/20/2007 : TImber Market Analysis  
Section 318 of Consolidated Appropriations  


USDA Forest Service - Alaska Region
Last Modified: Monday, 06 April 2009


USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.