Eldorado National Forest Interpretive Association

The Eldorado National Forest Interpretive Association (ENFIA) is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping the Eldorado National Forest serve the public. This we do by helping to tell visitors about the history, the natural history, and the many special features of the Forest. In addition, we seek out and make available to the public forest-oriented books and other merchandise that cannot be found elsewhere locally. We also operate a seasonal Forest Service Information Station at Carson Pass.

Sometimes what we do is work and sometimes it is fun. Actually, for many of us the "work" we voluntarily do is more like fun for we enjoy what we do. And when members offer their services to ENFIA, they end up helping the Eldorado National Forest serve the public. In addition, we provide fun or otherwise interesting experiences for our members that they could not obtain elsewhere.

We invite you to browse the pages included on this new site - we feel that you will find something that will interest you! As you visit our pages, you may return to this main page at any time by clicking on the "HOME" link in the upper left menu.

Eldorado National Forest Interpretive Association