Emerald Ash Borer Alert

Firewood Risk - Do Not bring firewood onto the Forest

One of the major concerns of the Ottawa National Forest at this time is the invasion of the Emerald Ash Borer. This exotic beetle from Asia was discovered in July 2002 feeding on ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in southeastern Michigan. It was identified as Agrilus Planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera:Buprestidae). Larvae feed in the cambium between the bark and wood producing galleries that eventually girdle and kill branches and entire trees. Evidence suggests that it has been established in Michigan for at least six to ten years. Infestations have spread from the movement of firewood and infected nursery stock throughout the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Windsor, Ontario Canada, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, Virginia, and the eastern end of the Upper Peninsula.  Emerald ash borer has killed over 10 million ash trees of various sizes and conditions in Michigan. Larvae have developed in trees and branches ranging from 2.5 cm (1 inch) to 140 cm (55 inches) in diameter.  The EAB is unique in that it appears to be able to maintain high populations in healthy ash trees and to spread naturally into adjacent uninfected areas.  The current situation has been described by pest specialists as the largest known outbreak of a flatheaded wood borer ever recorded, anywhere in the world.  The EAB has no known enemies in North America, and extremely limited control options other than tree removal. To limit the spread, a quarantine has been established which encompasses over 13,000 square miles and includes 20 Michigan counties, parts of Ohio, and Indiana.

 To stop the potential movement of these exotic pests, which are a major threat to Michigan's 19 million acres of forestland the following recommendations are made:

Use local sources of firewood
Do not bring firewood from home if you live within a quarantined area
If you have already brought firewood from home, within a quarantined area,
do not take it back home and do not leave it, BURN IT!

For more information, please check the links below or contact our office at (906) 932-1330 or call the toll free Michigan Emerald Ash Borer Hotline at (866) 325-0023.


Emerald Ash Borer Home Page, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area

Michigan Department of Agriculture