Federal Aviation Administration

Memphis Center Traffic Management Forum

Updated: 12:08 pm ET September 4, 2008

Friday, May 4, 2007
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Memphis Air Route Traffic Control Center
3229 Democrat Road
Memphis, TN 38118
(901) 368-8546
Driving Directions

Join us for an informative discussion on how Memphis Center works together with the Command Center and surrounding facilities to provide its customers with the highest level of service. We welcome your feedback and suggestions and look forward to seeing you at the forum.

Topics discussed at the forum include:

  • What can I expect from traffic management during thunderstorm seasons?
  • What triggers certain responses in the traffic management system and why?
  • What’s new in traffic management and where is it heading?
  • What role do I play in the traffic management system?

Each year this conference brings together aviation and space leaders and policy makers from state and federal governments, associations, academia, and aerospace industry to:

  • Share insights
  • Celebrate accomplishments
  • Access the current state of the art
  • Identify industry-wide short- and long-term trends
  • Discuss developments in the industry


Please send an email to confirm your attendance by May 1 to Cynthia Marzette or contact by phone at (901) 368-8546.

You may also contact Cynthia Marzette with any questions about the forum.

12:08 pm ET September 4, 2008