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May 09, 2009
Current Events

DOT Secretary LaHood Orders Motorcoach Safety Report

(May 6, 2009) — NHTSA, FMCSA, Highway Administration and Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration will develop action plan this year for improving motorcoach safety.

NPRM Aims to Unblock Medicaid Funding for Transportation 

(May 5, 2009) — Health and Human Services branch announces intent to rescind final rule that targets alleged fraudulent claims responsible for $3.6 billion over five years.


Breaking News
Nations Press
Bus Drivers Want Paid Sick Days
May 5, 2009. WEST HARTFORD, Conn.
School Employees Indicted After Student Run Over
May 4, 2009. MCMINNVILLE, Tenn.
Florida District Lays Off 32 Drivers
May 4, 2009. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, Fla.
What is your operation doing in response to the “swine flu?”
Nothing at this time
Buses are disinfected daily
School is closed

This Issue

Feature Articles in May 2009

A 'John Wayne Dude'
STN EXPO Keynote Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré discusses the role of school buses in local, national emergency preparedness

The Future of the Yellow Bus
The industry looks ahead to how school transportation could evolve over the next decade despite growing economic hardships

Training and Technology Paves the Way for Safety
Training's and technology's increasing roles in keeping passengers safe

current cover