Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1
Top 5 Commodities Exported from the United States to East

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Africa, 1997 v. 2007 1997 total trade 2007 total trade Percent change
Aircraft and aircraft parts 94,452,747 262,974,466 178
Mechanical appliances 55,103,933 138,418,952 151
Electrical machinery 18,635,554 79,071,504 324
Cereals 31,254,842 45,968,993 47
Milling industry products 25,792,646 31,831,462 23
Top five commodities 225,239,722 558,265,377 148
Other 136,122,432 303,268,011 123
Total 361,362,154 861,533,388 138

SOURCE: U.S. International Trade Commission Interactive Tariff and Trade Data Web, http://dataweb.usitc.gov/ as of as of January 2009.

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