U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service News
February 4, 2008
  “Proposed Land Impact Statement” Released and Comment Period Opens  

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Cyndie Wolfe (907) 786-3463

Rob Jess (800) 531-0676


The "Proposed Land Exchange, Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Draft Environmental Impact Statement," has been released and public comments are being solicited for the next 60 days, through March 25, 2008.


The entire Draft Environmental Impact Statement, as well as a summary, may be downloaded or viewed at http://YukonFlatseis.ensr.com. Copies of the document were mailed to people in the communities affected. They are also available at the Noel Wien Library (Fairbanks) and the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (Anchorage), as well as by calling the contacts above.


Public comments may be submitted online at the above web address or by mail to:  Yukon Flats EIS Project Office, c/o ENSR, 1835 S. Bragaw Street, Suite 490, Anchorage, Alaska 99508-3438. You may also provide oral comments at one of 11 scheduled public hearings. Public hearings will be held in Stevens Village, Beaver, Birch Creek, Venetie, Chalkyitsik, Fort Yukon, Fairbanks, Central, Circle, Arctic Village, and Anchorage. Public hearing times and dates will be announced locally as well as online at the above web address as details are arranged.


During these public hearings, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will also host subsistence hearings pursuant to Section 810 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act in the affected Yukon Flats communities. Section 810 requires the Service to evaluate the effects of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement alternatives on subsistence activities and to hold public hearings if any alternative may significantly restrict subsistence activities. 


The proposed action is a land exchange between Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge and Doyon, Limited, an Alaska Native Regional Corporation. The exchange would provide Doyon title to 110,000 acres of Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge lands that may hold developable oil and gas resources as well as an adjacent 97,000 acres of oil/gas interests (the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would retain surface ownership of the latter). In exchange for these lands, Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge would receive a minimum of 150,000 acres of priority habitats currently owned by Doyon. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement analyzes two additional exchange alternatives and a No Action Alternative. Each alternative evaluates the potential environmental and social effects that could result from the proposed land exchange and subsequent oil development.


When this comment period closes, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will analyze and respond to the comments and publish a Final Environmental Impact Statement this coming summer. After publication of the final document, there will be an additional 30-day public review before the Record of Decision is published in the Federal Register. Additional information is available from the Project Coordinator at (907)786-3463 or on the web at http://YukonFlatseis.ensr.com


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