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SIC Major Group 78
Major Group 78: Motion Pictures

This major group includes establishments producing and distributing motion pictures, exhibiting motion pictures in commercially operated theaters, and furnishing services to the motion picture industry. The term motion pictures, as used in this major group, includes similar productions for television or other media using film, tape, or other means.
Industry Group 781: Motion Picture Production And Allied Services
·7812 Motion Picture and Video Tape Production
·7819 Services Allied to Motion Picture Production
Industry Group 782: Motion Picture Distribution And Allied Services
·7822 Motion Picture and Video Tape Distribution
·7829 Services Allied to Motion Picture Distribution
Industry Group 783: Motion Picture Theaters
·7832 Motion Picture Theaters, Except Drive-In
·7833 Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters
Industry Group 784: Video Tape Rental
·7841 Video Tape Rental

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Washington, DC 20210