"Table 4: JetBlue Cause of Delay by Day During the Week of Feb 11 to Feb 17, 2007",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, "For weather delays from all categories, go to Weather's Share of Delayed Flights ",,,,,,,,, Date,"Total Flights",Late Arriving Flights,Late Flights by Cause of Delay,,,,,, ,,,Air Carrier ,Weather ,National Aviation System,Security ,Late Arriving Aircraft,, 2/11,486,111,31,1,37,0,42,, 2/12,493,79,20,0,36,0,24,, 2/13,490,179,31,6,89,0,54,, 2/14,490,97,7,22,45,0,22,, 2/15,547,274,70,49,53,1,101,, 2/16,558,375,110,26,57,0,183,, 2/17,548,309,69,0,37,2,201,, Week,"3,612","1,424",336,103,354,3,627,, Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,,,,,, http://www.transtats.bts.gov/OT_Delay/ot_delaycause1.asp?type=3&pn=1, , , , , , , , ,